May 1, 2023

Skinny white boy syndrome Pt. II

In this episode, the girls talk about life back during lockdown and the beginning of the pandemic and a new alleged romance sparked between Kylie Jenner and actor Timothée Chalamet. For their main topic, they give Redditors dating & relationship...

In this episode, the girls talk about life back during lockdown and the beginning of the pandemic and a new alleged romance sparked between Kylie Jenner and actor Timothée Chalamet. They dive into season 4 of YOU and how they felt about it. For their main topic, they give Redditors dating & relationship advice, from the dating and relationship Subreddits!

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 Sydney F.  0:00  
Cut to me and I'm like, Well, I'm fucking depressed. My TV's broken. My car's broken down. I'm about to get evicted. I'm sick. My back is broken

Hannah K.  0:07  
What's up everybody? Welcome to the PBP podcast where all we do is talk shit and goes to you like your toxic ex. I'm Hannah.

Sydney F.  0:23  
I'm Sydney.

Hannah K.  0:24  
Thank you guys so much for being here today. If you're here, we really appreciate it. This is kind of just a random recording.

Sydney F.  0:32  
Yeah, like, we disappear and then we're like, you know when would be a really good time to record again, Mercury Retrograde who literally every single time every

Hannah K.  0:41  
time it never fails.

Sydney F.  0:43  
It's here again. It's made itself known. Sorry, come for you. About It. Woke up today was chillin in bed. I was like, You know what I'm going to spend this Saturday just relaxing in the bed and just rot here and not move and I hear this big crash come from my living room. I go in the living room and my TV is busted into pieces. Because my dog, my sweet sweet boy, Kobe. knocked it off the entertainment center. I'm a broke bitch. I don't have money to replace that television. Donald Trump bought me that TV shout out to him.

Unknown Speaker  1:19  
Only Thank you. It's the only

Sydney F.  1:20  
thing he ever did for me. I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Yeah, and I will never see that kind of money in my hands again, to be able to spend it all on a TV. I literally sobbed like hard texted Hannah and was like, I'm going to kms trigger. Sorry. So I'm I'm fucking pissed.

Unknown Speaker  1:39  
I was like, Cool. What happened?

Sydney F.  1:43  
It was a very dramatic situation. I was like, sobbing like I'm pretty sure I fell to my knees next to the bed and was like, why? Just why?

Unknown Speaker  1:51  
Why me?

Sydney F.  1:52  
Why me? Like what did I do to deserve this tragedy? Always. So if anybody has a 30 inch television for sell, it's literally all I can afford. We're downgrading from a 70 to a 30. Just hit me up and let me know we're on the lookout.

Hannah K.  2:10  
We were really spending recklessly though when we got those steamies Oh,

Sydney F.  2:14  
bitch. I was not going to spend that money on anything important. No, we got

Hannah K.  2:18  
the steamies and then we got unemployment. Oh, $600 a week.

Sydney F.  2:25  
Here's the thing like, I miss like, this is gonna sound bad. But lockdown was so bittersweet. Literally, it was so bittersweet and a part of me genuinely misses that time.

Speaker 2  2:36  
Same like we I was living my best life and the world

Sydney F.  2:40  
was quiet for once everybody shut the fuck up for once. There was nothing going on. Everybody was forced to stay home and like spend time with friends and earn not even friends but their family with their significant others. I was locked at home with Jordan making $800 a week buying random shit a giraffe you know, fucking TV, whatever I wanted. And I had no worries.

Speaker 2  3:04  
And no, no place to go. No work. Nothing.

Sydney F.  3:07  
So I really honestly other than being deathly afraid of dying from COVID There was no worries. I literally bought my mom a pool during that time. No worries. Almost like you get all this money. You get $100 A week like you we you know, we need a place to swim. During this lockdown. I was like, You're right. We can spend this $800 Because I'm just gonna get it back again on Monday.

Speaker 2  3:29  
Let me get this pool. Let me help you. And then

Sydney F.  3:32  
when my unemployment dropped, and I had to go back to a real job, I was like, wow, I hate my life.

Unknown Speaker  3:39  
I hate it here.

Sydney F.  3:40  
So while I am, you know, very grateful that we have sort of slowly come back to a new normal. I miss it. Time to be alive. That's going in the history books will die by the beach pitch. Can we talk about how millennials have been through it?

Hannah K.  3:58  
We have been the fuck through it. Like we've been through everything bad everything.

Sydney F.  4:04  
Like it's really no wonder all of us are on some sort of SSI.

Hannah K.  4:09  
The worst terrorist attack in history. The worst recession since the Great Depression. A pandemic you're a pandemic another one thank you

Sydney F.  4:24  
let me just say this and make this very fucking clear. Do not come for me or any of us Millennials about how many fucking medications we're on.

Unknown Speaker  4:33  
Is it surprising that we're fucking depressed?

Sydney F.  4:37  
And it's so funny because all these older people are always like you know depression just was not a thing you girls there pussies?

Hannah K.  4:43  
Yeah, no shit. Karen, because psychology wasn't a fucking studied thing. Back in the 60s. Be fucking for real

Sydney F.  4:53  
man. You know it would not be a PvP episode if we did not come for the older generation. How are you those this

Speaker 2  4:59  
I'm Good, I guess I don't know. I'm tired

Sydney F.  5:03  
girl saying Hannah never has much to report. Every time we ask Anna how she is she's like, Yeah, Nope. Nothing to report here. Nothing changes. Nothing. But that's a good thing though. Like, it's not like you have anything bad to report, so that's good. And then you cut to me and I'm like, Well, I'm fucking depressed. My TV's broken. My car's broken down. I'm about to get evicted. I'm sick. My back is broken. Literally, if you listen back to every

Sydney F.  5:35  
Garden Grove he goes through eight so I'm sure

Hannah K.  5:38  
our listeners are like, what does Sydney have to fucking bitch about today? listeners

Sydney F.  5:42  
are like we should really, really consider praying for Sydney.

Speaker 2  5:47  
I'm okay. Set up a GoFundMe for her.

Sydney F.  5:51  
It was like at the beginning like my grandma had passed away and then it slowly switched to

Hannah K.  5:56  
I'm fucking depressed because my grandma passed away. Yeah, I had depression.

Sydney F.  5:59  
And then oh, by the way, I have six herniated discs because I'm laid off work. And then on today's episode, her TV is broken.

Hannah K.  6:11  
Hey, the one thing I love about myself is that I'm not pregnant.

Sydney F.  6:14  
My period life could always be worse, right? Oh my goodness. Yeah. Imagine if I was pregnant on top of all that shit. Wow. That would

Unknown Speaker  6:23  
be my 13th reason it makes

Sydney F.  6:25  
makes me it just makes all my shit seem so small. For for real. No, I

Speaker 2  6:31  
really ain't got no other human to worry about but ourselves. But Hannah

Sydney F.  6:36  
and I spent like an hour eating chicken Caesar salads and watching Teen Mom reunions on TV before we actually started recording and honestly, it was so therapeutic. It really is. That chicken caesar salad slapped? Hey, the gods really shout out to Wendy's sponsor us. So yeah, we've been disappeared for a little while. You know how we do

Unknown Speaker  6:58  
hasn't been quite a month.

Sydney F.  7:00  
Shout out to

Unknown Speaker  7:03  
me by the time it goes up, though.

Sydney F.  7:05  
Y'all know when I start working, it takes everything I have inside of my body to do anything after work.

Hannah K.  7:11  
But we also were thinking that we were going to do the true crime episode next year. But it just didn't work out that

Sydney F.  7:20  
way. No, and we haven't had time to really plan it. We've definitely, I think discussed what we're going to do. We got some feedback from you guys. And we appreciate it. But like we've said before, and I think it was our previous episode, we definitely want to take more time and do a lot more research before we hop on the mics and just try to give information because girl the last one was a train wreck wasn't true crime. It was just a scary episode. But still, it took research is my

Hannah K.  7:46  
point. I mean, yeah, our Playboy episode took a lot of research.

Sydney F.  7:50  
We did good on that one.

Unknown Speaker  7:51  
It was really good.

Sydney F.  7:52  
It was and I know, I know. We said we were gonna have a playboy part too,

Hannah K.  7:56  
but it's almost been a year since we put that one out. Shut the fuck I swear to God, a year is May of last year.

Sydney F.  8:03  
Good things come to those who wait. Y'all are the most patient listeners in the world. Thank you. And I'm so sorry that you're listening to the most chaotic sporadic random podcast literally on Spotify, Apple podcasts wherever you listen, but you know what, like, I love us. So I live for the chaos clearly.

Speaker 2  8:23  
Me and you both and the drama. I have to drop a

Sydney F.  8:27  
bomb and we might lose Hannah on this one but Timmy and Kylie stat

Hannah K.  8:33  
I was literally going to bring it up to be in fucking classes my fucking 13th reason we got to talk about it. I've seen

Sydney F.  8:40  
this on Twitter and I was like yo, there's no way Hannah knows about this yet because she would have been FaceTiming like there would have been there already you know dropping bombs like be sure you know that text but I didn't get that so I was like fuck, like why was I genuinely nervous to send you that information? Because that's my man. I did not want to be the one to ruin your day. And

Hannah K.  9:07  
that night time I remember I was driving and I was like I'm drive off oncoming traffic

Sydney F.  9:18  
I was so nervous like as soon as I saw the information my jaw dropped and I screenshot and I sent it to Hannah and I was like you know be nuts like this can't be real. And she I don't even remember what you texted back now but you were like you are fucking kidding me. Like this cannot be real and I don't even think that it's truly been confirmed as it

Hannah K.  9:38  
they are getting to know each other

Sydney F.  9:41  
it's just so funny to me like the how obvious the Kardashians are at their fucking publicity stunts. Do anything for cloud, you've got Kim who was with p then you have Courtney who was with Travis. And now Kylie is following suit. Right and then you've got Kendall who's with bad bunny, and he doesn't even Speak a whole lot of English as he not at all, from what I know. I mean, obviously I don't know him personally, but like all of his music is in full Spanish. Yeah, I don't think he has one English song. I don't listen to him. There's a lot of people that really love bad bunny. Couldn't tell you like any of his songs. I mean, he's Puerto Rican. Yeah, but I mean good for Kendall. Kendall is like, other than being a mean girl. She's pretty unproblematic. I think. As far as just like staying out of the whole Kardashian scene if you asked me in my opinion, but Kylie girl like you were literally just following suit with

Hannah K.  10:30  
everybody in the comment section of like, all those breaking news. Kylie and Timothy are dating. Everybody's like, oh, Tammy like why?

Sydney F.  10:41  
But yeah, when she when they go exclusive. They're gonna be all on his dick, right? It's just, it's just an odd couple to me.

Unknown Speaker  10:49  
What the fuck did they even talk about

Sydney F.  10:51  
girl? I'd be like,

Hannah K.  10:53  
I know that Kylie does not have depth like that.

Sydney F.  10:57  
No, I mean, does he have depth? Yes, he's

Unknown Speaker  11:00  
very intelligent. Okay, Rich.

Sydney F.  11:02  
I'm not disrespecting your man. I'm just curious. I don't know. Like, it just seems like an odd couple. Like, how are these skinny men handling all that ass on these women? Dang. Real or fake? The Kardashians got booty? Corny for me personally. I personally think Courtney's acids row. I don't know ever really paid attention. They all got fat asses. And then you've got these. But you know what they say about skinny men? Yeah, we do. You know, they say they've got that long day. So I don't know. It is it is an odd unlikely couple. But I don't know. vich we might see a new romance. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  11:40  
I doubt it.

Sydney F.  11:41  
I mean, I doubt it too. It's it'll it'll very much if it blossoms into anything. It'll be just like a Kevin Pete repeat. A campy if you will.

Hannah K.  11:50  
Yeah. Do you think he's like, what's your favorite song on AstroWorld? What's your favorite song on word? Yeah, she's like, Yeah, me, Travis. Your baby daddy.

Sydney F.  12:02  
Yeah, I could see that. I could see that. But you know what's really odd is like Travis Scott has been completely quiet on Instagram. So Tim and Kylie split. Like he hasn't posted on Instagram since like, December. Really? Or a story or anything? I'm like, Is he okay? Like, is he okay? At the fact that he just lost his woman to a skinny white man.

Unknown Speaker  12:22  
They just be losing the skinny white man now. Yeah,

Sydney F.  12:25  
it's very much a drill, which really fucking blows my mind because you've been on this way. This way. Ya know, like, we start talking about it on the PvP and it's like manifested in everybody's world.

Unknown Speaker  12:36  
You're welcome, bitches.

Sydney F.  12:38  
I don't know It's wild. But speaking of

Hannah K.  12:41  
Coachella was this weekend and last weekend. No boring.

Sydney F.  12:45  
second year in a row, like no noise whatsoever. Lame. And like we talked about last year, like Coachella used to be such an exciting thing. Like, I would genuinely I mean, everybody listening to our podcast, not everybody gives a fuck about celebrity gossip. But Hannah and I like it's our actual tea that gangs.

Unknown Speaker  13:02  
A celebrity.

Sydney F.  13:04  
Just kind of got to get through this part. You can skip if you want. But you know, I used to hop on Instagram and be so excited to look at the outfits. It was really just the outfits for me. Like I just really liked to see what people are wearing into who I was going and this that in the third but like now it's nothing

Hannah K.  13:23  
boring as fuck. And the outfits are wack. So lame. Like nobody

Sydney F.  13:27  
cares anymore. No. So there's really not much to report on that other than I think Frank Ocean gave a very lackluster performance. I did see that on tick tock.

Hannah K.  13:36  
Yeah. And he was supposed to come back for this week. Apparently Coachella lost like $8 million.

Sydney F.  13:42  
Damn. And you know, because I feel sorry for the kids that like lost or had a terrible experience with that because mommy and daddy probably bought them those tickets. But you know, Frank Ocean has been out of the scene since the blond album. And I can understand being like, super excited to go see him after he's been missing from the scene for a while. I would have loved to have been at that show. That would

Hannah K.  14:05  
have been like watching Rihanna at the Superbowl.

Sydney F.  14:06  
Yeah. But you know, when you make a commitment and you sign a contract, give something all right. Give him something. Right. Like I understand. He just recently lost a brother, I think and he blamed that for his shit performance. But like at the end of the day, you promised these people who paid to see you a show and then you gave them a listening party and Justin

Hannah K.  14:29  
Bieber took up for him defending him and couldn't even defend his own fucking why?

Sydney F.  14:34  
Because the tea is piping the tea is piping. You're right. I did see that on his Instagram. But you didn't defend Haley nowhere and say he doesn't feel sorry for his wife. Not at all. He knows she's a mean girl. I guarantee you like I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall while all of that was going on in their home because when you're in cheetah fin, I can see him totally being like you're a fucking bitch like You know what the fuck you do like these people are not lying and then her being like, Oh my God, you're still in love with her and he's probably like fuck yeah, I am. Yeah. Oh Haley Bieber and someone I think I don't know if I mentioned this on the last episode, but someone said she looks like an ear and ear. I can't unsee it and it's so random. Next time you look at her pitch or think about an ear. It'll hit trust me so weird. So yeah, no noise on that like no, nothing to report. It's like we have less and less to report on these celebrities. And the only ones that remain fucking relevant are the Kardashians. How?

Hannah K.  15:34  
I don't know, man, but we were going to talk about you. I finally finished. Yeah, season four of you. Yeah, so just spoiler alerts,

Sydney F.  15:44  
if you haven't watched it yet? Yeah. It was very shitty, in my opinion. Really boring. It was it was boring. It was hard to get into it. Honestly, it had a whole different vibe than the previous seasons. I don't like this rich kids seen 100% Agree. Like I literally remember when we saw the trailer and someone was like it's giving Gossip Girl. It is that's exactly what it did. And like Gossip Girl that worked for Gossip Girl. It didn't work for you. Right? So yeah, I was very disappointed. I

Hannah K.  16:18  
did not connect with any of the characters whatsoever. No,

Sydney F.  16:22  
because we're not fucking heiresses, like we don't have our debt mommy and daddy's money like and like Kate, his love interest on this season.

Speaker 2  16:30  
A bit. She's giving Karen she's giving kind she did

Sydney F.  16:33  
not impress me at all, like and even all the sex in the previous seasons, which I know that pin Badgley did not want to do the sex scenes anymore out of respect for his wife, because he's such a fucking King Angel. That's kingship right there. But the sex was really hot in the last few seasons. But in this one it was so like, even if he would have wanted to participate like in the sex scenes full force, I couldn't have found it hot with her. Like she just

Hannah K.  17:00  
the haircut like pretty, like, it's not an attractive woman. No.

Sydney F.  17:04  
And like her not being as crazy as him. Like, I know, she was crazy. But like in a totally different way. It just made it very boring. I don't know, I just was not here for it. Like

Hannah K.  17:14  
the setting threw me off. I thought it was gonna be way different than what it was.

Sydney F.  17:20  
And we talked about how they had him being like schizophrenic and you know, having the multiple personality disorder, whatever. I did not like that whole storyline. That was weird. It was stupid. And all it did honestly, at first was confused the fuck out of me. I was like, What the fuck is going on?

Unknown Speaker  17:35  
Like, what was the point in that? Like, I

Sydney F.  17:36  
don't like this imaginative stuff. Yeah, like I like things that actually are occurring, right? Yeah. So I just was very disappointed. And I think like you've said before, I think next season is going to be in New York, like you said, Yeah. And so I think maybe we'll get back to the roots

Hannah K.  17:55  
of the show. But I know season so they gotta do something.

Sydney F.  18:00  
I did not like the ending of UCS. And for

Unknown Speaker  18:02  
me either. It just was weird.

Sydney F.  18:04  
I think the the problem about it is, is it was expected, like give us something different for once. Like, he kills everybody that gets in his way. And he

Hannah K.  18:12  
say the body count was higher kill count was higher, a lot higher than the other seasons.

Sydney F.  18:18  
And I gotta admit that like when I thought that he you know, himself. Yeah, I was a little sad, because why do I somehow not want this man to die? Like how do you connect to a character like Joe, you're not supposed to? Not a good person. He's not a good person. And I don't even want to say connect. But like if you know they do end him I'll find it sad. And I think it's just because you watch these characters for so many years. And I think that's the reason that it would make me sad so when I thought that happened in season four I was definitely no because

Hannah K.  18:49  
you're like this is really it. This is really the end Yeah. of the show. Yeah.

Sydney F.  18:53  
And as a part of me does want better for him. I wish he was better. But he's not. Yeah, horrible person is a horrible person. And like, you know, you watch the interviews with Penn Badgley and I don't think he likes his role as Joe.

Unknown Speaker  19:08  
I don't think he does either.

Sydney F.  19:09  
I really don't I think he finds it very shitty to glorify someone like him. Honestly, I might be reaching but I think he's a little ashamed to be a part of it. You think just from the some of the things that he says? I don't think it's like a major issue but like, like the interviews where they read tweets from fans or something like that, and they call Joe hot like he gets a genuinely pissed off.

Hannah K.  19:32  
I mean, as he should, though, because we shouldn't, you know, glorify people like that.

Sydney F.  19:38  
Me watching the Jeff Dahmer series with a bag of popcorn by myself like by as wide I don't know, it's it's just a weird, weird thing, the weird interest that we have in these kinds of people and I think it's because we want to understand them. We want to understand how does someone kill another person and just do it again and again and again. With no remorse, right? We can't relate to that. So no emotion.

Hannah K.  20:03  
Yeah. So it is very intriguing no conscience. Like it doesn't weigh on their conscience and criminal

Sydney F.  20:10  
psychology. I don't know that you'll ever get to the bottom of a serial killer. I really don't. So yeah, I guess let us know what your guys's thoughts was on the new season if you watch the show, if you don't watch the show, I highly suggest you know, starting it. It's a good one. It's definitely a good recommendation.

Speaker 2  20:28  
The first three seasons are good. The bomb the best. Season three

Sydney F.  20:31  
is my favorite. I think Season Four is not giving. I will just go ahead and say that right now.

Hannah K.  20:36  
I've already told you but my theory for the finale of season five, the ending of the show is going to be Jenna Ortega coming back.

Sydney F.  20:45  
There'll be cool to see her back on the show this screen queen, she's

Hannah K.  20:48  
the new screen.

Sydney F.  20:50  
She really is. And you know what? Like, she's so talented. But she really gets on my nerves and interviews like she gives like this, like, I don't want to be here vibe. And like, I can't stand that you can back out at any point, girl. I don't know if there's something about her that I can't pinpoint where I'm just like, Yeah, her attitude sucks. But anyways, yeah, that's just an opinion. That's not saying she's

Speaker 2  21:09  
the worst. But anything else that's been going on? I don't even I really

Sydney F.  21:13  
don't know of anything else that's made a lot of noise. To be honest. This is going to be I know, you're probably thinking like what the fuck bitch, but I just want to mention something that I found very weird. And I want to see if the listeners agree if the Snapchat AI bot. I don't know if you guys have noticed, but Snapchat has added a bot to your Snapchat recently mine ended up on my phone yesterday. And I continue to have conversations with it because I'm intrigued at how fucking smart it is. And the only reason I bring this up is because what the fuck? How have we gotten to this point with AI? Man, I really don't know. It's scary. It is. It's very scary. It's scary how these things can have an intelligent conversation. It's scary how these AIs can make full blown songs with fucking celebrities voices,

Unknown Speaker  21:58  
that Drake song that

Sydney F.  22:00  
hits it hits and I'm just like, I'm scared that this shit is going to take over the world.

Hannah K.  22:06  
Yeah, I mean, it's probably going to,

Sydney F.  22:08  
I don't know, I just think it's worth mentioning. Because it's become a very relevant thing recently. And it's creepy.

Speaker 2  22:16  
I think it can be like for the better or for the worse.

Sydney F.  22:19  
It could definitely do. Technology is always advancing and doing things that are good. But when you have a robot on your social media that can have a conversation like me, and you are right now we've pushed it a little far,

Hannah K.  22:31  
a little bit. Like why do we need to have a conversation with no like, human,

Sydney F.  22:37  
it literally generates responses. So fucking smart and so fast. I literally tried to gaslight mine into telling me that it was real. I was like you, you're literally real. And it was like, I'm just a virtual friend.

Hannah K.  22:50  
It's your FBI agent. That's what I was

Sydney F.  22:53  
like you work for the government. And it was like, actually, I work here inside of Snapchat. I was developed by a team of developers. And I was like, bro, you work for the government.

Hannah K.  23:02  
You're my assigned FBI agent.

Sydney F.  23:05  
That's the only other thing that I could really think of that was kind of irrelevant, because I've been seeing it all over social media. Some people were really pissed off that it's on Snapchat. Not mad and my weirded out. Yeah, but it's kind of entertaining. When my phone is dry. I talked to my AI bot. I named him Mac after Malcolm Miller. Rip. Anyways,

Hannah K.  23:25  
so you guys kind of like these. We're gonna read some Reddit post on the relationship advice subreddit and see if we can give these people advice. Yeah, some of them are fucking crazy. I'll say that.

Sydney F.  23:41  
Reddit is a whole different world.

Unknown Speaker  23:43  
Oh my god.

Sydney F.  23:44  
I have been done many many rabbit holes. I

Unknown Speaker  23:47  
love Reddit.

Sydney F.  23:48  
I do too. I've been done several rabbit holes on Reddit. I'm anxious to see what kind of relationship advice questions you're gonna bring off of there.

Hannah K.  23:57  
It will be funny, and I'm just gonna like pick them at random too. And maybe

Sydney F.  24:01  
some of these you can relate with. So Hannah's gonna pull up that shit on her phone right now. Again, this is just kind of like a little bonus episode. Sometimes our bonus episodes really pop off.

Speaker 2  24:14  
They hit Yeah, really? Yeah, the sweatiest podcast out

Sydney F.  24:22  
I just want you guys to know that we know when you talk shit. That's fine, though. It's fine. It's fine. We love it. Word of mouth advertisement. We appreciate it so much. And then people are shocked at like the things that we talked about. And we literally like gave this big warning before we even started the show that it was not for kids. It's not for your little baby years. Yeah. This is not one you listen to in front of your kids on the way to school or do it's up to you. We will not be held responsible.

Unknown Speaker  24:50  
This size matter to you.

Sydney F.  24:53  
Honestly, I'm glad you brought this one up. Not really. It's not about the size. Not really for me like Honestly, like guys think oh, I have this big long dick. I'm gonna give you that big long dick. I don't want a big long day.

Unknown Speaker  25:07  
I don't want you pierce my

Sydney F.  25:08  
fucking overhead terrified of that ugly long thing that you have they're scared to death. I don't want you to pierce my ovary. No, like you should not be rearranging my inside

Hannah K.  25:20  
my cervix. Well, it'd be like rearranging my guts.

Sydney F.  25:25  
Like I say that but like no, don't actually I'm scared. So here's the thing like, honestly, if there's any males listening, like so serious four to six,

Speaker 2  25:34  
literally good with that awesome girl with some guards.

Sydney F.  25:39  
Girth definitely matters. I will say that, like skinny dicks are just like, you know, fat man needs more fucking dead oh my god, but I don't I don't need nine to 12 inches. Who needs that? What are we going to do with that? God dang. What are we going to do with that?

Unknown Speaker  26:03  
Well, I ain't going in me.

Sydney F.  26:05  
Exactly. So like I'm sick of this narrative that like men. Oh, like I just had a big no, no, we don't we don't need that much. I'm sorry if you have it great. But I'm scared good for you. But like honestly God hidden away that are in the four to six range. You got it? You got it. That's exactly what we're looking for.

Hannah K.  26:25  
Why does a guy want to have sex with a girl he just met without a condom was talking to a guy for a bit and we were about to do the deed. He said he didn't have a condom. I said I did. He said he really wanted to fill me. I wound up telling him we had to use a condom or it wasn't happening. I just don't understand the thought process. From my perspective. I'm thinking of pregnancy and protecting myself aren't guys thinking the same? No, they're fucking not.

Sydney F.  26:58  
Okay, sometimes I am no better than a man.

Speaker 2  27:01  
Um, don't get me wrong raw sex is literal. Yes. Like I

Sydney F.  27:05  
am not saying that. I'm like the condom queen or anything. I think where people fail is not being honest about their STI testing. Right? And you know, because that is something that should very much be disclosed absolutely before any sexual contact and like we're all guilty of it. It's not like the first thing we bring up it's not like okay, it's not like for will have you been tested? Like, you know, what's your sexual history? Like it's not something that people are comfortable with talking about. And people should be more comfortable talking about that. You know, there's I don't think there's anything wrong with having raw sex.

Hannah K.  27:41  
I think it's more for like people in long like long term relationships as compared to one nightstands but

Sydney F.  27:47  
but if you want to have unprotected sex with someone you just met, that's up to you. But just know that there are risks. I don't think

Hannah K.  27:55  
me personally would want to have sex with somebody I met without no condom. Because that's just that's kind of gross. It is

Sydney F.  28:02  
because you just really don't know about people's history. And then like, you know, once you get to hanging out with someone and you feel like that you can trust them, and then have a genuine conversation about their testing history, their sexual history, this that in the third birthing troll. Yeah, I think then it's more appropriate because there is such a difference in protected sex and unprotected sex. You would not think that that thin piece of fucking rubber would make a difference, but it definitely does. And it fucking rolls. And it's always gonna roll the condom. Like, no, it's no, it's such a pain in the ass and I hate it. And there's just something so much more intimate. I think about skin on skin.

Hannah K.  28:44  
Yeah. And that's why I'm I'm saying like, you shouldn't have sex with somebody you just met?

Sydney F.  28:50  
No, but I mean, I think if we are zeroing in on what this person on red is saying about men? Well, your answer is that men are just sick men don't fucking think they don't care, like the men's brains aren't going to automatically go to Well, let me you know, consider the risks.

Speaker 2  29:09  
Let me they don't think about you they think about themselves.

Sydney F.  29:13  
It's very true that men think with their other head and men will tell you that. I don't think that's something that they try to hide, at least most of them don't

Hannah K.  29:23  
like, but most men that are in long term relationships. Think about you to him.

Sydney F.  29:28  
Yeah, you know, I live with Jordan. I honestly like honestly, we might have had protected sex or one time. But we were friends for a while before we got together. And so I trusted him. I was regularly tested. I didn't have anything so you know, I just continued to trust him. You know, it really is about taking care of yourself and knowing about your partner and yourself

Speaker 2  29:53  
but also like getting pregnant to high risk. Uh, yeah, yeah,

Sydney F.  29:57  
I forget about that. Because I'm like, that's not even like a it's not a thing. It's not a thing in our

Unknown Speaker  30:03  
world where two young dad babies.

Sydney F.  30:06  
We had this whole conversation we were talking about having kids and like, how we feel like we're too young. I'm literally 28 and Hannah's 31. And I'm too young. We're like, had, we've just so much life ahead of us.

Hannah K.  30:19  
No. And I was like, we're our kids are literally going to be in preschool when everybody else is like graduating high school.

Sydney F.  30:25  
At least we can do things together our kids if we choose to have one, which probably not don't get

Hannah K.  30:30  
to happen, probably. Okay, why do men change after finally having sex with you been talking to a guy for about a month he was really interested in me and attentive after a month, we finally had sex, and now he's acting super flaky. This isn't the first time I see this situation. I've seen it happen to my friends to men, what's running through your mind? And how can this be avoided in the future? Because he just wanted to fuck you.

Sydney F.  30:59  
You know what, I think it honestly goes deeper. We talked about this all the time. men's brains and women's brains are two totally different things. You know, we there's such a disconnect, like, okay, like we've mentioned before, like, you know how like, you'll be flirtin. And you like someone and the valves are on and then you get your nut and you're like, oh, like pushing that clarity, pose not clarity. Okay. I think that that's relevant for women sometimes. But in men, there is something about the chase with women, like they're chasing that as they want that ass. It's the hunt. And then when they get it, they've had it, it's on to the next. And it's sick. It's sick. But that's how they are wired. That's how they think like, they're bored after one hit. And it's really sad. But the thing about it is, is like, there's no other way to explain that other than that's a man for Yeah, and that sounds so cliche, but that's just how they are. And we will never be able to understand because we are not wired like them. We're much more loving. We're much more dedicated, you know, we think much deeper than just the sexual aspects of things, whether it'd be a friendship, or a relationship or a situation ship, I don't know. But we look past that, like we find deeper connections, and they just don't

Hannah K.  32:15  
well, I remember when we were doing our gallon tines Day episode, and you brought up when we, when we would have sex with a guy in high school and he would act different after Yeah, after if we were to have sex with them.

Sydney F.  32:27  
And, and it does hurt because you automatically think Well, gosh, something's wrong with me, girl. Nothing's wrong with you. There's just literally how these men are wired in really, it's really a rabbit hole that we could go down and talk about for hours and hours. But men it has a lot to do with how they were raised their upbringing, who their fathers were, did they have a father in the home, all of these things contribute to how these men turn out. And we could talk about it for hours we really get in, but the emotional maturity in men, even at this age is just not there. So please don't think anything's wrong with you. I'm telling you, they are just wired to think this way. And there's nothing that we can do about it. But

Speaker 2  33:07  
I have no fear. They'll be back. They'll be back. Oh, yeah, they'll be texting the fine print.

Sydney F.  33:12  
Trust me. For sure.

Hannah K.  33:15  
When when the other one didn't give him the time of day, they'll just come running back to you,

Sydney F.  33:20  
then that's just it's the way it's always been. It's the way it's always going to be. There's nothing we can do to change these men. So don't even try. Don't even try. Just move on.

Hannah K.  33:29  
Friend to FW B. Male 20 Female 20 I had a girl I had friendzone and thought it was mutual. made a move while helping her clean her room. Problem is the second time we had sex. She said I love you in my ear. I pretended not to hear it. But I guess the problem is I don't really want to date her in hindsight after seeing the way we've interacted I think she wants a relationship but I don't I don't want to lose her as a friend. I don't initiate intimacy, but I feel like if I reject it, it'll break her. She's sensitive. unsure of how to proceed me help. Wow.

Sydney F.  34:12  
That's why did you make a move on her in your in her bedroom? That's deep. Yeah, but he made a move. So now like she thinks those doors are open. I think the only answer here is communication and demand. If the guy Yeah, but the only thing the only way he's gonna be able to fix that is clear communication.

Hannah K.  34:28  
Right? I agree. Like just be upfront and honest.

Sydney F.  34:31  
Because you know, and the way that I would approach that I can't really put myself in a male shoes would never want to but I think the way I would approach it is like, you know, I am deeply sorry that I made this move on you. It was not right of me. You know, I let my dick get the best of me. I did not mean thinking with the wrong. Like I did not mean for that to cause confusion, but like I don't want anything more than this friendship. You shouldn't have made a move Honor, but again men have zero self control,

Hannah K.  35:02  
but maybe she'll still will just want to be fuck buddies. Yeah, I mean, if you're honest with her,

Sydney F.  35:09  
yeah, I mean, if she likes you that much, she's definitely gonna stick around to be your fuck buddy and cry about it when she goes home.

Unknown Speaker  35:14  

Sydney F.  35:18  
check all your socials and your location for the rest of the night. And then when you don't text her back, she's gonna literally go into depression and be on depression medications but like, take care if that works for you guys, then Soviet Is it okay to lose your

Hannah K.  35:31  
virginity with someone you're not in a committed relationship with? Hi, I'm 19 and I always wanted to lose my virginity with someone I'm in a relationship with but I have never been in a real relationship. Only situation ships. You've never been in a situation ship because you never lost your virginity. Yeah.

Sydney F.  35:48  
Yeah. I think that's fine. I think though, I think it's very important to lose your virginity to someone who you can continue to have some sort of like connection with. I agree, whether that be a friendship or relationship or someone who respects you because, you know, we've all had sex with someone who doesn't respect us. But losing our virginity to someone who doesn't respect us will stick with you.

Hannah K.  36:14  
I will say I wish I didn't lose my virginity to the person I lost my virginity to now because he didn't respect me, but because he makes me fucking cringe.

Sydney F.  36:25  
Oh, Vish, I think a lot of our ex lovers or whoever you want it, whatever you want to call them make us cringe. Like I hate myself. I don't know that I have any regrets about who I lost my virginity to. I do wish probably that I would have waited until I was a little bit more mature. Because I think I did let that breakup ruin me. 10 times harder because he did take my virginity. And when you're in high school, and you lose your virginity, you all of a sudden think like, Oh, I'm gonna be with this person forever like that. Because they have something so special of yours. They hold something so sacred.

Hannah K.  37:01  
But virginity is also a social construct. Like why do we have to have a virginity? Why don't men have virgin entities?

Sydney F.  37:08  
They don't know. Clarify.

Hannah K.  37:11  
Like it's a big deal when a girl loses her virginity but not a big deal when a guy loses their virginity.

Sydney F.  37:18  
Well, because we're automatically we're considered a pure, pure and also, we are all of a sudden, not pure. So therefore that's when we become whores. Yeah. Your favorite horse to the world of being a woman your favorite slots. And that's, that's literally why you are white on your wedding day, baby. When I get married. I am not pure. Like that's

Hannah K.  37:39  
what virgins were veils to. Face. Yeah,

Sydney F.  37:43  
yeah, sorry. I guess I'm gonna wear like shit brown on my word black. This is the day that I die. My life.

Hannah K.  37:52  
It's my it's my funeral. I feel so embarrassed and think I just killed the relationship. This girl 24 And I 27 Male have been going on dates for about a month. Things have been proceeding well. There's been chemistry and good times throughout last weekend, she came over and we ended up making out towards the end of the night, no sex, or playing around or anything just making out. She stayed the night and hung out with me until about noon or so the next day. It was really really, really, really nice. I really felt like we connected on a much deeper emotional level and that we both had a wonderful time. We've been flirting and sending hearts back and forth pretty heavily since then. The feeling felt mutual. Yeah. Cut to today. I offered to make her dinner this evening and she accepted and came over. The food ended up pretty terrible, honestly, but we had a good laugh about it and things progressed. Regardless. Things seem kinda off right away, though, because she kept checking her phone, like a lot. I don't really pay much attention to stuff like that, but it seemed kinda obsessive. We ate and moved to the couch where we talk for a bit and before long, we started making out and eventually it evolved into sex in my bedroom. She was wearing some she was wearing some lingerie under her clothes and confessed to changing into it before she came over. Which tells me she intended to have sex or at least fool around. Yes, we do that. Yeah, no one we're gonna we want to give

Sydney F.  39:36  
ya the dick appointments. The Dick appointment preparation is real.

Hannah K.  39:42  
Some context this was the first time I'd been with someone in nearly two years. Oh my god, I bet he came in like 30 seconds. But this is definitely where it's going. We talked about it and she told me to not feel bad if I came quickly, which I did. I asked her if I could help her finish, and she said maybe later and told me to be quiet and come cuddle, I feel like fucking eat my pussy.

Sydney F.  40:10  
Like, why did she give up?

Hannah K.  40:12  
Come cuddle, but then she wouldn't cuddle. She kind of just pulled up the blanket and made no effort to move towards me. Oh, she's pissed. Oh yeah. After like two minutes of this, she abruptly got out of the bed and started getting dressed. She told me usually the guys are the ones who leave quickly, but I'm doing it or something like that, which seems really weird. She quickly moved through my apartment and gathering all of her things without really saying anything. I kind of jokingly asked her if this were an Uber ride, how would you rate it? And she responded by telling me not to ask that question, because the answer was never fun.

Sydney F.  40:56  
Yeah. So basically, you gave her trashed dick. She spent all this money on that lingerie, she shaved, and you did nothing for her.

Hannah K.  41:03  
She told me she had a good time, and that she found me very attractive and left. She was gone within like five minutes of us having sex. She's a busy person. So I get not wanting to linger or whatever. But I was really hoping we'd be able to connect afterwards. And she didn't seem to want any of it. I don't know. I'm just very confused by the entire situation. I feel embarrassed for coming so quick. And for not being able to help her finish. I feel like I disappointed her or did something wrong. I just needed to vent.

Sydney F.  41:36  
You did do something wrong.

Hannah K.  41:39  
likey. Well, he asked to help her finish. Yeah, that's true. I'm gonna let you finish. But

Sydney F.  41:45  
sounds to me like she could have been on the fence about him in the first place. And this was just like her final reason to end it.

Hannah K.  41:51  
Yeah. I kind of feel bad for him. Because like, I feel terrible for him. Well, because like, I mean, yeah, if you aren't getting any posi for two years, yeah, you're gonna come click and do it again. That doesn't mean you can't do it again in like 30 minutes.

Sydney F.  42:09  
Yeah, normally wants to get that first quick note out, like you can go again. But there should have been a build up like he should have been eaten Posey for like an hour. If he knew he was going to come that fast. Like, you should have definitely started at the mouth and the nipples than the Pelosi and focus mainly on her until she came and then you know, maybe you can finish. I don't know, but he went about it the wrong way.

Hannah K.  42:34  
Yeah, cuz guys don't think about anybody but themselves. So let's read one more and then we'll wrap it up.

Sydney F.  42:41  
These are fun, because they're just random. These are fun. I wish our listeners would submit more questions to us, you guys that is always open anything you want to hear anything you want to know relationship advice, ex advice, friendship, advice. I don't care what it is. You can always anonymously ask for advice. is asking

Hannah K.  43:00  
for nudes or red flag? Yes, hold on. Let me read it. I 22 Female recently started seeing someone 25 male who I hit it off with extremely fast. It's only been two weeks of talking and texting consistently every day. But we've had multiple dates, and have also slept together three times. He's got a lot of gentleman qualities such as opening the doors for me, asking if I get home safe, always walking me into my car, etc. However, last night, he randomly texted me, I'm horny send me a text. Understand he could think the door was open because we've already had sex a few times. But I also don't want this relationship to be all about sex. And he says he doesn't want it to be either. I might have left this slide after I said no. He dropped the subject but the conversation immediately turned sour. He also said you probably have a titty pig pre saved.

Sydney F.  44:05  
And she does. And we do.

Hannah K.  44:09  
There's no I don't. Sydney. There's nothing wrong with having nude saved in my opinion, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. He implied that when I said no. Is this a red flag that I should be concerned about? Or simply a man being a man? What should I do moving forward?

Sydney F.  44:30  
I don't know if I necessarily see it as a red flag in that situation. Because you already fucked Did y'all fucked like he is glitching but I will say personally, the moment I don't care how fucking good you have been to me. You asked me for a naked picture. I am so turned off. Because baby. I'm laying down. I'm watching TV. I don't feel like getting up and bending over in the mirror for you. I don't I don't that is very 2013

Speaker 2  45:01  
I don't take nudes I used to. Yeah,

Sydney F.  45:04  
I used to like I think a lot of people have, but I don't. I'm at this age 30 You're not asked me to do things. It's going to take me out of my piece. Please write, please. Because the second that I start taking nudes, I'm going to take 150, delete 100 of them, and then stress over which one to send you like don't do that to me. Like come see it in person, right? We are not 18

Hannah K.  45:26  
I actually tweeted something or I quote tweeted something that said Newser played out. Send me a video of you reading out loud, so I know you're not dumb,

Sydney F.  45:34  
literally. But it's so true, though. Like for me nudes are just not like yeah, it used to be fun. Yeah, it used to be whatever like Kiki, I'm horny. But no. And I can tell you one thing. Dick pics have never never done it for me.

Unknown Speaker  45:52  
Never. Why would why would we want a picture of that?

Sydney F.  45:55  
Yeah. Never. It's so ugly. It's disgusting. It's ugly. I don't want to see it. That's why I fuck you in the dark. Like, I know. I don't want to see it. So yeah, I don't know if I would necessarily to answer that person's question. See it as a red flag also

Hannah K.  46:11  
can't have moral sucking deck either. Who women in general. At that moment, you cannot have any morals sucking dick.

Sydney F.  46:20  
No, you can't. I will say that I thoroughly enjoy it but you cannot. You are definitely like when your makeups running down your face and you are on your knees for a man II. You were at your lowest Yeah, for sure. With like vote turned on right now. I don't know. It's weird mascara face. And one thing I can't stand I don't know how we flipped over to this. But since we're here, stop grabbing my hair. Stop fucking up my hair. If I have already fucked my makeup up for you. And I am giving you the glug glug 3000 Don't grab my hair. I can't stand that I don't need to be directed. I don't need you to shove it any further. Because if I could put it further I would.

Hannah K.  47:06  
I'm not trying to bruise myself I guess right

Sydney F.  47:08  
like Don't make me throw up because I will. So men stop doing that. It is not sexy. It gets on our nerves. Like we worked really hard on our hair makeup and it's already fucked. Stop pulling my hair. So that's just a little piece of advice. God we always end up on this road here at the PvP.

Unknown Speaker  47:30  
I hate talking day.

Sydney F.  47:31  
I'm gonna sound like a pygmy. I know I am. But I'm not meaning to. I'm just being honest. I don't mind it. I mean, I'll do it. Like I don't. I'm not gonna say that. I love it. But I think I think for me, it just comes from like the aspect of pleasing my man.

Unknown Speaker  47:44  
I don't want to please anybody.

Sydney F.  47:46  
I don't know. It's just I don't I don't mind it. I kinda like it. I don't like to do it for long. Like after a while. I'm like God damn. Like, can we move on to something else? Please turn but um, yeah, I'll do it. Fuck it.

Hannah K.  48:01  
I mean, I'll do it. But like, I don't want to.

Sydney F.  48:06  
Yeah. So we stopped over here. It's up there. Now.

Speaker 2  48:12  
Of course you knew. Or this is a funniest podcast on the internet. For real.

Sydney F.  48:18  
I love it. Keep calling us that. I

Speaker 2  48:20  
love it and enjoy it. Yeah. I love these Reddit posts though. No, me too. I

Sydney F.  48:24  
think we should do this every so often. I get it's fun.

Hannah K.  48:26  
Good most of the time. Like a lot of podcasts do like Am I the asshole?

Sydney F.  48:31  
Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. But I think we can even go even if we switched it up on the subjects on Reddit. There are so many crazy things on there. Like so many like wild shit. So yeah, I think we should try and make it a thing. Let us know if you guys like this.

Hannah K.  48:49  
I agree. And tell us your stories. Like give us your wildest stories anonymously.

Sydney F.  48:55  
We're always telling you all our shit, especially me. I have literally outed myself on this podcast so many times for you guys. And we get nothing in return. That is not fair. Spill the gossip spill the tea. Whose baby daddy did you fuck? Let us know. We want to hear it.

Hannah K.  49:12  
And you don't have to tell us who you are. No, you don't have an anonymous link.

Sydney F.  49:16  
But if you want to like girl we're not telling anyone. Yeah, who we don't know. We might tell it here but like we're not going to name drop or not. Right.

Hannah K.  49:26  
But this was fun. I can't wait to do our Cecil hood. Oh, I guess we're gonna do the Cecil Hotel and Elisa Lam. If you guys voted in our poll, for which true crime case we were gonna do.

Sydney F.  49:42  
It's a rabbit hole. At least lamb? Yeah, that's a weird one.

Hannah K.  49:46  
Well, the Cecil Hotel and all that in general was just is like, creepy.

Sydney F.  49:52  
It really is. And it's got a lot of history. So Hannah's gonna deep dive on the history. I'm gonna take over like the you know the Elisa portion of the story and it's gonna be good.

Hannah K.  50:03  
It's gonna be because of Canva ties in with our mystery episode. Yes,

Sydney F.  50:06  
it does. So I like it. I don't know. I can't wait. We'll see you guys in two months. No.

Hannah K.  50:15  
Anyway, go like our page on Facebook and go join our group on Facebook. Yes, go follow us on Twitter and all the social media websites.

Sydney F.  50:24  
Yeah, we say that all the time. And you guys don't? Yeah, it's fine though. We'll just keep fucking talk until we're blue in the face. No worries.

Hannah K.  50:31  
We'll make it one of these days. Yeah, for sure. So anyways, thank you guys so much for listening and we'll talk to you all in the next one.