Jan. 30, 2023

Mrs officer

Hannah & Sydney are back after a 2-month-long hiatus, after dealing with their seasonal depression and just life in general. In this episode, they discuss Maegan Hall, the police officer from Tennessee who was caught having sex with 5 other...

Hannah & Sydney are back after a 2-month-long hiatus, after dealing with their seasonal depression and just life in general. In this episode, they discuss Maegan Hall, the police officer from Tennessee who was caught having sex with 5 other co-workers and why they feel the need to make a big deal out of this. Kim K's ex-husband is allegedly married again, and they also discuss if it's okay to have "work wives" and "work husbands"? See what they had to say about it!

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 Hannah K.  0:00  
They literally said fuck five-O

Sydney F.  0:02  
Fuck one-two

Hannah K.  0:03  
what's up everybody? Welcome to the PBP podcast where all we do is talk shit and ghost you like your toxic ex 

Sydney F.  0:20  

Hannah K.  0:20  
I'm Hannah. 

Sydney F.  0:21  
I'm Sydney. 

Hannah K.  0:21  
Happy 2023! We're here our first episode of the new year right? But it's me. Hi, I'm the problem. It's me. 

Sydney F.  0:29  
It's us. It's we're probably it's we were back again after ghosting you you know like we always say it's like your toxic ex because that's literally what we do. Like, you know, we've been missing you. We stepped away for a little while. We wanted to try something new. And now we're back with that late night text. Of course. What are you doing? 3am just thinking about you you up 

Hannah K.  0:51  
that you up text? Yeah. Here we are. Literally, but the truth is we had two episodes that never got out because I'm the problem. This is her. No, no, it was all me guys. 

Sydney F.  1:07  
And they were they were they're really good episodes. And like we need they're kinda like in the vault right now. But we might just redo them with the same subjects that we had done them on because they were fire.

Sydney F.  1:20  
I put my heart into one of them specifically, stay tuned your whole but my whole says Sasussy went into it.

Hannah K.  1:28  
So, how have you been? 

Sydney F.  1:30  
I'm good sis, mentally

Sydney F.  1:30  
I feel okay. I feel a little stressed because I don't really set like what is the resolute resolutions for myself because I'm not going to do them, right. However, I can reach for goals and you know, have a new mindset. And right now my goal is to just have a financial reset, because, you know, we all struggle, especially in today's day and time, but you know, Jordan and I eventually want to move somewhere else, we want to do bigger things. But in order for us to do that we have to reset, we have to save money where we can, we have to be more cost effective in any areas of our life that we can possibly do that. So that's what I'm doing right now. I'm trying to get to bigger and better things. But I feel like the journey there is just a little stressful. But other than that I'm okay kind of dealing with some back pains today. It is what it is not much I can do about that. But mentally I am I'm okay, I'm excited. I'm stressed. I'm nervous bunch of mixed emotions, but looking forward,

Hannah K.  2:29  
but that's all exciting. It's exciting to feel something new, right? wanting something new for yourself and wanting to grow. Because growing and like changing is one of the most exciting yet anxious things scary,

Sydney F.  2:44  
you know, like we're looking at moving hopefully at the end of the month, early February. We're just kind of waiting to hear back from the landlord and it is going to be a cut and rent from what we pay now. So that's like one way that we're trying to save money. It's a little bit of a downgrade but

Hannah K.  3:00  
you don't need the big house that you have. No, I love your house like a house but it's too big. It's too

Sydney F.  3:07  
big for us and I don't even want to say that the rent is that bad on it. But it could be better right? We can do better right? So that if that means downsizing and getting smaller rooms and one bathroom then that's what we're going to do at least for a year or two. Because if we want to get to the city or somewhere different

Hannah K.  3:25  
now let me pay in 1000

Sydney F.  3:27  
This is what we're gonna have to do. We're gonna have to do better. Yeah, because you rent

Hannah K.  3:31  
an apartment like apartments. Yeah, you know, apartments don't have nearly the room. houses do?

Sydney F.  3:38  
Well, my goal at least for maybe not 2024 It would be wonderful if it was 2024 but 2025 I want to purchase a home. That's the best way to go about Absolutely. I do not want to rent again. So I'm hoping that this next rental will be my last rental that I'm gonna keep it a stack like I have to rebuild my credit. I fucked it up at a young age but what

Hannah K.  3:59  
millennial hasn't had like shitty credit at one point at some point. Granite is bullshit anyway because they didn't start it until the fucking 80s period. So they ruined it for us. Thank you

Sydney F.  4:11  
go back and check out one of our old episodes where we come at the boomers and because they're talking shit about our financial lifestyles when they didn't have credit and rent was fucking $125 A month

Hannah K.  4:21  
literally they didn't need to have credit scores, credit checks, whatever the fuck like it's such fucking bullshit and they don't want to pay their fucking employees either. Right? Let's let's not talk about it. We'll talk about it next time

Sydney F.  4:35  
right. But yeah, that's kind of my goal for the year and for the for 2024 also is just bettering myself and rebuilding myself and seeing what happens so I'm I'm feeling good about it. It's an exciting time. It is it is but how are you this?

Hannah K.  4:50  
Good? Not much. You're poor. I hadn't seen you in like a month that I feel like

Sydney F.  4:55  
garbage. See, I returned to work after my six month long I just painful hiatus and I'm I'm grateful to be back at work. It was a hard adjustment getting back into it, but I'm back and we knew when I went back, it will be difficult. It would be difficult because your girl was tired.

Hannah K.  5:13  
Yeah, like like we hadn't texted in like a week. I know it's

Sydney F.  5:17  
an hour and I kept thinking I was like, I need to text Hannah, but then I would just get like, sidetracked with like, dinner and then laundry and then bed. Well,

Hannah K.  5:24  
I wasn't like worried about it. Like, I know. Like, I know. She's like, busy. We're grown. We got shit to do

Sydney F.  5:29  
fucking hate working. vecinos it's just really, I really do.

Hannah K.  5:33  
Like, it wouldn't be so bad if this was our job.

Sydney F.  5:37  
Yeah, no, it would be it'd be great. And like, I don't want to like talk shit about my job. Like, I'm blessed. But fuck, and it could be worse. It could be worse. But I just want to be rich. You feel me? Period.

Hannah K.  5:48  
I just want to be rich with no job. Yeah,

Sydney F.  5:52  
yeah, that's the dream. That's the goal. Like I want to sit on my butt and be rich. Right? So listen to our episodes.

Hannah K.  5:59  
Yeah. Listen to them as Thank you. Thanks. Click on them. Listen to them. Add replay. Thank you. I'll put in like five. I'm skinny. Yeah, no,

Sydney F.  6:09  
please. No, I like we're joking. But like, we're not. I'm like over here. My smile went away. I was like, No, click the ad, please. Use our discount codes thing.

Hannah K.  6:18  
No, I haven't put in our affiliate links in a while. But if you guys are interested, we have some good affiliate link. We really do though. You want to check them out. Hannah

Sydney F.  6:25  
set those up. And like I think you took into full consideration like what people are interested in, of course, instead of just what I what I'm interested in, right, well, yeah, that too. But you know, it's very much like a universal thing. Like of course, you didn't just pick the best one to profit from right you you you really take your time and and carefully select like

Hannah K.  6:46  
Audible VPNs like where you can access the internet from a different location. That's not your location,

Sydney F.  6:54  
which is so you want to do some sneaky shit. We got your credit score,

Hannah K.  6:57  
check. You want to check your credit score for dollar your you can use our affiliate. Yeah, they're good

Sydney F.  7:03  
ones. So check them out and click on them and check them out and see what's in store and give us money. Yeah, please.

Hannah K.  7:10  
No, but if you really want to check them out, please do that. Yeah, for sure. So anyway, we have a couple things that we wanted to talk about today. There's been a lot that's like gone on recently,

Sydney F.  7:22  
in the amount of time that you haven't heard from my

Hannah K.  7:24  
right, Lisa Marie Presley passed away. A couple days go only 54 Man,

Sydney F.  7:31  
I'm gonna say something that's just a little bit scary for me. I feel like there's a lot of heart attacks happening. Like a lot. Yeah. And then in the media, like I'm sure they you know, they haven't every day. I'm not saying that. But like in the media. It's been like Lisa Marie, and then of course de Mar and oh, God, Tristan Thompson's mom. Yeah, just just become an eerie I mean, little weird. I'm sure there's no real connection, but it just seems like every day when I pull up something on my phone, it's another cardiac arrest. And that's really scary because Lisa Marie was so young. 34 day more Hamlin is 2024 24. And I understand that that was like, like a chess blow a chess blow and but it's just

Hannah K.  8:10  
how long was it like seven minutes or nine minutes of doing CPR on him? I wasn't

Sydney F.  8:17  
watching the actual game, but watching the playback of him collapsing, just upset me.

Hannah K.  8:24  
Like, I didn't watch it. I'm sure it was very, like upsetting.

Sydney F.  8:28  
It was very upsetting. And if you've seen it, you understand what I'm talking about. And it's I'm just so glad and you know, I'm not even an NFL fan. But I just spent my whole week deeply concerned about this man. Me checking up on him. I didn't I don't I didn't even know who he was right. I was just like, Wow, he's so young. Like he's he has his whole life ahead of him. Please let him be okay. Because that that is some scary shit.

Hannah K.  8:53  
But the good thing is he made like miraculous Yeah, strides towards getting better. Like he was on a ventilator, I think a day or two and got off and now he's like back home watching the buffalo doing well,

Sydney F.  9:05  
like Yeah, that's That's wonderful news. I'm happy that we can report that versus the alternative. So yeah,

Hannah K.  9:11  
Lisa Marie. I mean, clearly Elvis. He died from a heart attack as well. So maybe there's heart disease that runs in their family. I mean, Heart. Heart disease is like the number one killer in the world. So

Sydney F.  9:25  
I'm set over here, my fat ass I'm like, I really should eat healthier, and it's so sad.

Hannah K.  9:29  
Just like, and it's like the scary thing is because it's more like fatal in women because women don't see the warning signs because we believe it's like anxiety. Instead of like an actual I'm serious. They don't see the warning signs. I'm not trying to scare you

Sydney F.  9:47  
that it's fine. I'm easily triggered with my panic disorder. So it's not a big deal. That's just me. Like people could talk about like anything and my chest like automatically gets tight and I'm just like, No, me too. So like I literally have to tell my friend at work. I'm like you're triggering me. She's She's the best like I'm she's I love her to death but like she will say most of the most awful wall like shit. And I'm like Girl

Hannah K.  10:08  
Yeah, here you are watching Jeffrey Dahmer document.

Sydney F.  10:10  
It's it's weird because like, I think I think the reason being is because home is like my safe space. Yeah, and I'm more calm there but like if I'm out and about I tend to be easily chores. Yeah, so I think that's,

Hannah K.  10:25  
I mean, I have social anxiety because you never fucking know who's gonna who's about to like got a gun up in your waist or shoot up the fucking plane right?

Sydney F.  10:33  
No, but for real it's it's so scary and, and I think we've talked about it on here before it's just like being out and about now or like going to concerts or festivals. It's just like, No, thank you because you just don't know.

Hannah K.  10:45  
Yeah, and speaking of guns, that six year old who shot their fucking teacher was this in Newport Newport News in our state? Yeah, like what the fuck first of all, where are the parents at? Why Why the fuck was this six year old right? A fucking like toddler

Sydney F.  11:02  
pretty much makes you definitely question Where was the parent? 1,000% I mean, it just goes to show that we have a real problem here like guns are so readily available to any and everyone here I'm honestly surprised he couldn't walk into a gun shop and Biden himself. Like I'm honestly students. You probably go hey, probably good. Like I really like I'm being funny, but I'm not like I'm honestly surprised. Yeah,

Hannah K.  11:26  
because it's like it's like dark humor because we're so like desensitized to it. Absolutely. It's scary that I think getting shot into mass shooting is probably one of my like, biggest fears. Me two sides like being murdered.

Sydney F.  11:39  
Me too. It's so scary. Like I said at work all the time. And like, you know, you see those like murder documentaries about like the ex employee who got mad because he was fired. Come back and like, shoot everybody.

Hannah K.  11:51  
Well, that happened at the a Walmart and like Virginia Beach. Yeah.

Sydney F.  11:55  
So I'm sitting there constantly in my job. I'm like, Who did they fire in the past and we piss them off. And I'm like, I have a whole strategy in my head that I've come up with. You

Hannah K.  12:04  
gotta think about that shit. Really sad.

Sydney F.  12:07  
No, it really is.

Hannah K.  12:08  
But I mean, like, what the vote that's all I can say. We plug that in, right? That's all I can fucking say. Like, you're right. And speaking of which, I'm not getting into politics right now. But like Missouri misery, the state of Missouri passed like a fucking bill where legislators women legislators have to wear a jacket or a cardigan on the House floor. Are they afraid of Myners men are attracted to bare shoulders? Apparently, they don't see that. They're just like the fucking Taliban.

Sydney F.  12:42  
Isn't it wild? How like, this is just such a good example of like how we've always been told, like, I don't ever really think about it until I hear something like this. Like, cover your shoulders like don't show your knees or your digs

Hannah K.  12:54  
hard because I'm showing my man turn on my kneecap. Daddy talked

Sydney F.  12:59  
about this a million times. Like how about you control these men? If you're turned on by my collarbone? Maybe you should seek help, honestly. Yeah, that's that's really sad, but I'm not shocked.

Hannah K.  13:10  
It's fucking crazy.

Sydney F.  13:11  
No, it is.

Hannah K.  13:12  
Did you see that? Kanye supposedly got married again.

Sydney F.  13:15  
I've seen that. What the fuck a Kim Kardashian ex husband. Yeah,

Hannah K.  13:19  
excuse me. Kim K's ex husband.

Sydney F.  13:24  
We try not to use the K word here at the PvP would slip sometimes but yeah seen that not shocked try not to give it too much life because everything that he does I feel like isn't out

Hannah K.  13:36  
of like spy injure and like he he just wants a show. That's all I want my question

Sydney F.  13:42  
to these women. Which no hate to Julia Fox because I'm voting for her for president and literally, but I don't understand how these women could possibly feel special getting with Kanye. Oh, like not only because he's like an asshole evil mean, but because he is clearly still in love with Kim. Yeah. And has been badgering her and basically harassing her How could you want to be with a man like that? That's my question. Like how could you honestly be with someone that you know still wants to be with his ex wife?

Hannah K.  14:14  
Facts? Money facts?

Sydney F.  14:16  
No, you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. It's it's the check. No, you're right.

Hannah K.  14:20  
Give me a badass check.

Sydney F.  14:22  
If honestly, Kanye non-playing non-playing The money would not be worth it to No

Hannah K.  14:27  
absolutely not. Because all he did was control Kim their entire relationship he

Sydney F.  14:32  
really did. It's it was a really sad situation.

Hannah K.  14:34  
I was gonna send you a screenshot of it yesterday.

Sydney F.  14:38  
I saw it I mean, she's really pretty but she is like MK look like yeah, and apparently she worked for easy. Yeah, I read that on Daily Mail. That she worked for him which good for her, I guess. Congrats to the new but like,

Hannah K.  14:52  
let's not act like he wasn't dating other bitches. Right? Make it make sense. Is he really married to her? No.

Sydney F.  14:59  
I don't know. Oh, but you know what I found it really hard to believe in anything was celebrities write anything because they really just be doing shit for publicity. And so like if something seems really off the wall, I'm just like, Yeah, okay, cat. So whatever. Kudos to them.

Hannah K.  15:15  
My birthday is in two weeks. It is I forgot

Sydney F.  15:18  
you were actually it's next week. I'm Aquarius. Hannah over here. Yeah. 3130 30 fun. 30 fun. I'm so excited. Yeah, we got to do something for your birthday. It's on a Friday. And mom's on a Saturday this year. I'm so excited about that. I can't believe it. What do you have planned for 30? Fun, nothing good.

Hannah K.  15:36  
I don't know how to ship plans. The best way to be we'll see.

Sydney F.  15:39  
Speaking of you know, I brought up that you're an Aquarius, I just want to talk about a recent experience that I've had. I've been attending New Moon circles. And I've been to two so far. And the other they have another one. Well, they have it every month, obviously, every new moon. And let me just say that this has been by far the best experience I've ever had, other than the podcast, podcast comes first, the best experience. The second of all, spiritually, this has been the best experience I've ever had, you're coming to this one this month penciled out in because it's very, it's something that you would very much enjoy. I'm not gonna go into too much detail. I don't want to talk a whole lot about it, but you go and it's just like a group of people who are very like minded. They have an astrologist, they're someone who's certified in astrology. And they kind of talk about the new moon and what it means. And then you journal around that, like, you know, what do you plan to do in the New Moon for yourself personally, what are your goals? What are you struggling with, and then in the middle, they have what they call an altar thing on that altar, people can put their crystals, they can put their tarot cards, they can, you know, whatever it is that you feel will help bring you to that space, that peaceful space, you put it in the middle, and then you will draw tarot cards, and you'll someone will interpret that for you. And then you also journal around that it's just really healing. Like it's so spiritually healing and mentally peaceful. I was a little intimidated when I first went, because spirituality in everything that it entails is something that I feel like we are fairly new and learning you've always been really good at like astrology and things like that. But as far as like spirituality as a whole, it's something that you know, I'm learning new practices. And I was really intimidated because I go in and there's like people with all these like hippie names and like they just like know everything they're talking about, but I learned so much from them. It has been so wonderful. And I just want to shout out to all those girls, if you hear this, you know who you are. Because we don't really talk about like things that we talk about outside of the circle. It's a very sacred and private type of event. But if you ever get invited to a new moon circle, and you're in spirituality, it's something that you you know, I've been diving into absolutely go

Hannah K.  17:47  
and you found out that your rising sign is different. Oh,

Sydney F.  17:51  
shit, I'm such a fraud. I'm such a fraud. Well, no,

Hannah K.  17:54  
I mean, like, you don't give off like Virgo in or you know what I mean? Well, okay,

Sydney F.  17:58  
here's the thing, my birth certificate. I was born in Hawaii. I got robbed, right. This man dumped my birth certificate. My original copy from the hospital into the creek ordering a birth certificate from Hawaii is not the same as going to your local crackhead at office and getting your birth certificate replacement.

Hannah K.  18:16  
I ordered mine online, but I know it's like completely different took forever. And I think I tried to help you like it was awful. Getting a new one. Yes,

Sydney F.  18:25  
you did. Because I was just like, I don't I've never had to have had that one since 94. Like, I never had to do anything since I've been born. Right. Well, so for some reason, in my mind when I got it. I was like the times different than the original budget wasn't they were the same on both. Did you have both? I had a picture of my old one. And so I got to look in the other day because I'm getting ready to go on a cruise. And I was like trying to find that because I have a photo of both of my birth certificate. And I was looking at them side by side. I was like, holy shit time. Not only is it the same, it's different from what we originally put down to begin with, like completely I don't know where I got these times from.

Hannah K.  19:06  
Yeah, you told me like, I think it was like 9:35am I was wrong.

Sydney F.  19:09  
No, it's 8:17am I came into this world. Thank you.

Hannah K.  19:12  
So a whole hour before which changes ever period

Sydney F.  19:15  
and I get on there and I plug it in and bitch my jaw hit the floor. No, because I've been living as a fraud. Like I literally have like em Yes, I am a cancer son, a Capricorn moon and a Virgo rising and I've just been living around this been living a lie I've been I'm a fraud. I have to apologize to everyone that I read their big three, two or I told you about my big three. I'm a liar, a liar. I am introducing myself now as a cancer son, a Capricorn moon and a Leo rising.

Hannah K.  19:46  
That's crazy. Ya know, I

Sydney F.  19:48  
panic texted you the other day.

Hannah K.  19:50  
I was like I can see you don't really give a Virgo energy.

Sydney F.  19:54  
I mean, I didn't think so either. But I own that shit because I was like, This is it. This is my big three. But no, I was wrong and So I read someone their big three on New Year's Eve and then I tweeted about it and he was like, Man, I don't believe nothing you said and I was like you probably shouldn't it was just I felt like I just was a total fraud. But anyway,

Hannah K.  20:14  
it happens. It does. So we wanted to we want to talk about this chick who home girl has been in the media about fucking her entire department.

Sydney F.  20:27  
She fucked the squad

Hannah K.  20:29  
back the whole clique. Which, like, whatever,

Sydney F.  20:35  
right? And here's the thing. I guess it's okay to use her name. I mean, hell, it's all over all over the meet. Sue us is she she really doesn't give a fuck honestly. Like, if you see those pictures of her on Daily Mail. She was just like smiling at the camera. She's like, Yeah, I caught five decks and was her name Megan Hall, Megan Hall. I think. Honestly, Megan, like, I don't know that you'll ever hear this. I doubt it. But we're not hating on you. Because here's the thing. I'm really confused as to why this is a major news story. Every single job has that one person, male or female that will sleep with the entire office period. It is a very common thing. You everyone listening like you know, and you might even be the one and I'm not even hating on you. It is what it is. It's not our business. It's not our business. But like, I'm just really confused as to why everybody's dragging this girl like y'all are shocked that these men who are married slept with someone at work, you shouldn't be shocked why you should not be shocked. And the fact that everybody's like calling her a whore we had this conversation and I'm like, but if it was a man, right? If it was a man sleeping with the entire office, it would be a totally different narrative.

Hannah K.  21:42  
Let's not act like many of these girls wouldn't go out in the middle of the night to fuck a cop in their squad car.

Sydney F.  21:50  
Anyway, it's very common around where we live. We fucking now we see you bitches. We're not stupid to y'all love sleeping with the police officers. Couldn't be me. But um, do you?

Hannah K.  22:03  
They literally said fuck five.

Sydney F.  22:06  
Fuck One, two. This is very, very common. And especially, I mean, it's just it's so hard to talk about this because it's so like, relevant where we live these police officers out here you obviously believe everybody and we know it. I have receipts we like we know if you know, you know. Anyways, the

Hannah K.  22:28  
memes are a one though. Hilarious. I saw one that was it was like the sheriff's department, like had a picture of her swearing in. And somebody quote tweeted, and she said, it said sworn into lb

Sydney F.  22:42  
Aryan. And you know what, like, I had read somewhere that she said that she was in an open marriage and like she was trying to get her husband to involve himself into like swinging situations. He denies that. So like, you know, I would never suggest cheating, whether you're married or not. Like that's not cool if she was cheating without her husband knowing shame on her and shame on the five men that slept with her because they were all married as well. Not my business, but it's just my holier than thou. It's not. Yeah, exactly. It's not pretend like it's, you know, you haven't been engaged in something like that before or you're that much at your job. You know, if it was an open marriage type of situation, like obviously, we'll never know, okay, then that's what works for them. I don't judge anyone. If openness is what works for you do that.

Hannah K.  23:29  
I feel like like nowadays, it's going to be a lot more common,

Sydney F.  23:32  
very common, especially because if you look at the financial aspect of today, I think it's something that makes sense. In a lot of ways. I've sat and thought before I'm like, damn, like we really could use another income and use a third you know, I mean, I'm not gonna sit here and say that and I think it's wonderful if that's what works for you. Honestly, those relationships seems so healthy, but you know, leave this girl alone. It is what it is like, you know, is it is it a look probably not Megan but like to you girl, she wasn't doing

Hannah K.  24:06  

Sydney F.  24:07  
He she they all was

Hannah K.  24:11  
she was like next

Sydney F.  24:13  
right? I'm just again, I'm just like mind blown as to why this is like a major like leave leave her alone. But the good news is is I think that she's very like carefree and nonchalant about it. She's just like, Okay, and what? And what about it all fuck your husband. Next slide.

Hannah K.  24:30  
claiming this officer about her.

Sydney F.  24:32  
Yeah, Mrs. Officer. That's a great song. Honestly. It really is.

Hannah K.  24:37  
But he was wrong for Rodney King. Yes. That but

Sydney F.  24:42  
yeah, and you know, it's something that didn't make sense to me until like later in life.

Hannah K.  24:48  
He took things way too far in his old songs and we didn't we didn't realize it until now religion but that should still fire

Sydney F.  24:56  
it is far less all will always be fired if you know you know,

Hannah K.  24:59  
but Have, we wanted to segue into like the main event?

Sydney F.  25:04  
Because I feel like it's a perfect segue. And it's something that I'm not sure I don't think we've ever talked about here. Your work wives, your work, husbands. What does that entail? Are you okay with it? Do you have one? Would you have one? Let's talk about it. Would you have one? Would I have a work husband? I mean, no, because I'm not single. If I was single, here's the thing. I think when you're working with someone, if like, you start to crush on them, I think it gets more intense because you do work together, you're in the workplace.

Hannah K.  25:32  
And I think is you spend 80% of that time with that

Sydney F.  25:35  
person. So me personally, no. And especially at this age, because I feel like I just tried to go to work, get my job done and come the fuck home. Don't bother me. at a younger age have I had men at work before that I've flirted with and probably flirted my way into like, a free lunch or something. Yeah. Who hasn't? For sure. Have I slept with co workers before? Yes. Not my. Not my current co workers. But in the past? Yes, I have. I haven't. I have

Hannah K.  26:04  
not because like, I haven't wanted to just because there hasn't been like the opportunity or anybody worthy worthy.

Sydney F.  26:12  
Yeah, I get that. Well, it seems like a lot of the times, I don't feel like anybody that is a potential really is worthy in the workplace. But it's like I've never worked with men. Yeah, really? Yeah. You know, actually, I've only slept with one co worker. So it's only been one time that it happened. After I quit working there. We never spoke again. Like it was just something that I think very much was a boredom thing. And again, it happens

Hannah K.  26:38  
in every office is done everywhere.

Sydney F.  26:42  
And I think that the reason it happens so often with between coworkers is because there's a sense of boredom. And so it's like, okay, well, let's flirt with one another to entertain ourselves

Hannah K.  26:50  
to be attracted to them, then that makes it work

Sydney F.  26:53  
does now would I be okay with Jordan having a work wife? Probably not. But I think because me and him have discussed this before on 140 I think there's a big difference in a sexual flirting work marriage quote, unquote. First of all, I think that name is just cheesy to begin with, like, Oh, my work husband all my work. Well, that's so dumb to me. But I think if you have someone at your job, who just has your back, like as a friend, like you're one person, whether it be the same sex or not, I do find that necessary. Of course, I think everybody needs to

Hannah K.  27:26  
be on your own, or everybody else against you. Right? Because workplaces

Sydney F.  27:29  
are so shitty, and like the drama and like, you know, everybody tends to have really bad days. So I think it's important to have that one person you can lean on like, oh, fuck, like, I forgot my lunch money or I forgot my lunch like you got me or having that one person that you can hang out with on lunch or you know, someone that you can just relieve all of that work stress on because you don't want to take it home. Someone who understands I think that's very important.

Hannah K.  27:52  
You're like, I forgot my money. Like, I'll get you the next time. You know, you need a friend. You absolute then you end up like having a friend that's like your mom's age. You really have besties that are like 68 Like okay, let me go to fucking Sheila's fucking birthday party.

Sydney F.  28:09  
I now love my work moms are totally different love work moms, though. The the section that I work in, in my job, I am 28. The rest of them are in their late 60s early 70s. Love them. I mean, do we have the same mindset on things? Absolutely not. Because one of my co workers is constantly talking about like today's generations work ethic. And I'm like, she's talking this shit about our work ethic. And I'm just like, Yeah, I agree. And whole time she I'm the person that she's talking to. I'm like, That I do not live to work. I work to live.

Hannah K.  28:42  
And that's how it should be. Right? Like, sorry, we don't want to have the same like work

Sydney F.  28:48  
ethic. Right? Like, I'm sorry, you've been here and then you go home

Hannah K.  28:52  
and bitch to your your fucking husband about how work was shitty and you work 60 hours like you did it. Debbie, that was your fault.

Sydney F.  29:00  
And like, these ladies have been at this job since Like, I literally look at their ID badges. And the photo is like in black and white. And they've been there since like, 80 And I'm like, why? It's like you actually stayed

Hannah K.  29:12  
here. That was like 40 years. No, it's such a long time. 40 years is a long time and they're getting

Sydney F.  29:17  
ready to retire and I love them. I just I couldn't see myself there that long term.

Hannah K.  29:23  
No, because it's like redundant and like shit gets boring.

Sydney F.  29:27  
Which I could never so yeah, but they were also the same women that would like go to war for me. Right so I do think there's just a big difference now if you start fucking your coworkers Yeah, that that could be a problem. It turned into something really sticky.

Hannah K.  29:41  
Especially if you're married. Uh, yeah. And as there are people that are married and have work husband and work what know the fuck? No, no, you don't know.

Sydney F.  29:50  
I think as women like if our boyfriends or husbands start engaging in something like that with someone at work. I think we can easily tell

Hannah K.  29:58  
me like Why you being so secretive? Yeah, you will

Sydney F.  30:02  
you can just tell when your partners move in different regardless, but it can also just get sticky even at work because if they find you out nine times out of 10 You're gonna get fired for that shit. I mean, or another co worker is gonna fucking tell on you. Oh, yeah, you can't trust nobody tells you cannot trust nobody like if you are fucking your coworker do not vent to your friends your work friends quote unquote about it, because yeah, that's gonna that's gonna get told, you know, when I used to work in fast food people used to fucking like walk in freezer. Oh, I swear where food is. I swear it wasn't me. But it happened all the time. I'm sick. It just blows your mind at what actually goes on and

Hannah K.  30:40  
don't go to fucking burger.

Sydney F.  30:43  
I guess we're gonna call it out. Yeah. BK Yeah, they'd be fucking in the freezer. I will say this. This is gonna be like me kinda like cagd telling on myself, which it doesn't have anything to do with like a work wife or a work husband. But it was me being like the friend to look out for others. I guess when I was working there. The shift that I was working, I was like, the only female right? So I got special treatment, and I ate that shit up. You know what I mean? Like, I'm gonna use my pretty privilege with these court men that I'm working with, but I always had we fish

Hannah K.  31:14  
we know always had we had the roll up. And we'd always

Sydney F.  31:18  
when I would get on this particular shift, and I consider this person a friend I always have and always will. But he would always be like, oh, yeah, because he was the manager. He would be like, Yeah, I'm not gonna put you on front. Like I'm not gonna put you on Drive thru. I just want you to go back there to the pit which is I guess where the dumpsters are and like the you would smoke your cigarettes because like, I just want you to constantly repack, bowls, just repack, repack, repack, he was like and we'll come out and hit it. I was like bet.

Hannah K.  31:41  
That's why it takes forever to get your feet up.

Sydney F.  31:45  
So I just remember, I had my little bag and I would sit back there and I would just pack these bowls, they'd come out one at a time. We'd hit it together and I'd pack it again. We'd hit it together. And that's literally what I did for like six months, so

Hannah K.  31:56  
she did for a living. I'm geeked

Sydney F.  31:58  
so this is just so funny. Like exposing these workplaces because shinies shit is real shady, whether it be people fucking or people doing drugs, people scamming people fraud and there's some shady shit that goes on in the workplace. Absolutely. For sure. With grown ass adults, too. Yeah,

Hannah K.  32:16  
we'll see. Like, I mean, my last job. I worked with all women. Yeah, except for the boss is the same as fuck. Except for the boss. So yeah, one boss I liked Yeah, their boss can go fuck himself.

Sydney F.  32:28  
I literally second that. And third that. Yeah. Other than that, like,

Hannah K.  32:32  
I didn't really have like coworkers. Yeah, no, it's like, No, I've never had a work husband,

Sydney F.  32:38  
again, like that. The sexual thing has only happened to me once and and I think that situation went smoothly. Like, again, we didn't speak after I quit working there. It was not like, I don't think if I would have ever worked. If I would have never worked with this person, I probably would have never slept with them. There was simply boredom. You know what I mean? Yeah.

Hannah K.  32:55  
And again, like you're with that person 80% of the time, you're bound to get physically attracted to him at some point, because especially for attractive to you.

Sydney F.  33:06  
I feel like again, I don't know if this if this makes any sense. But like, if you become physically attracted to someone and you start flirting, I think anytime that there's a sense of like, oh, we shouldn't be doing this, it makes it that much more sexy. Do you get it? You get what I'm saying?

Hannah K.  33:23  
I just want to say there is nothing wrong with having a crush on somebody. No, there's nothing wrong with that just as long as you like, admit it to yourself. Yeah. And you're like, I can't pursue this any further than just like having a little like, crush on on them. Because we're humans. Yeah, at the end of the day, like, yeah, I can have a husband and still have a fucking crush on whoever.

Sydney F.  33:48  
Yeah, it's true. Because I think that as women a lot of the times we set these unrealistic expectations, especially at younger ages that our men should not look at other women at all. Like don't look at her and that's just not really how it is. It's not realistic, like there are other attractive beautiful women in the world that I know I can certainly appreciate. And I know he is going to as well right like it is what it is now taking it a step further and pursuing that and you know, getting physical that's a whole different level but to say like oh, like you know, I don't really want you looking at her I don't want you following her you know set however many boundaries you want to for your relationship, but as far as this age and expecting your man to just only see you unrealistic, not how it is home girl,

Hannah K.  34:36  
realistic. And sorry, like if you're younger than us like, yeah, early 20s. And you have this mindset like you want to get out of that.

Sydney F.  34:48  
You do because I know you think that you can control your boyfriends or your girlfriends or whatever it may be but you cannot. I feel like jealousy gets better as you get older. It really

Hannah K.  34:58  
does cuz I'm just like Okay, whatever.

Sydney F.  35:02  
Oh, you think she's cute? Well, I wonder if you would like, come over and hang out because I'm really bored. It's just one of those things.

Hannah K.  35:12  
You're like she would never fuck, you

Sydney F.  35:14  
know, for real, though, like for her like, Oh, you think she's gorgeous? She really is it too gorgeous for you like, yeah, no, it's so true. Like, I was just telling, you know, I've had this conversation with Jordan so many times. Like, I used to be so worried when we first started dating like women that he would work with, because I'm not there. So I don't know, like, who he works with, you know what I'm saying? Like, the fear of the unknown used to stress me the fuck out until I started to learn our dynamic and realize that like, Okay, I'm jealous over things that are just not important.

Hannah K.  35:47  
Or like, you're just making up fake scenarios in your head. Yes,

Sydney F.  35:51  
yes. And that's something that we as women do all the time, and it's like he's

Hannah K.  35:55  
with another bitch. Like,

Sydney F.  35:56  
oh my god, like he was

Hannah K.  35:57  
and he texted me back into our

Sydney F.  35:59  
maybe because he's fucking working like maybe just shortly Oh, my Oh my

Hannah K.  36:03  
God, why is it he's IV bag and within five minutes

Sydney F.  36:07  
to get his decanter on his lunch break. I just know it. It's just not the case. And like, you just I think at this age, you just start to learn. Okay, we sound dumb. Yeah. And also on the alternative, like, even if it's not a fake scenario, even if it is something that you is valid, that you have every right to be worried about. I think at this age, we get to the point where I'm just like, You know what, fuck it. Fuck it. If he really wants to go let him go. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like, if that's what you want, baby, please, by all means, do not let

Hannah K.  36:35  
me hold you. And let me bow out like because there are other dogs out there that want to catch me.

Sydney F.  36:45  
You know what? I think that that's something that men don't understand

Hannah K.  36:49  
that a woman could go out in anytime, anyplace anywhere. Absolutely. I

Sydney F.  36:55  
think that I think that they think that we need them. Yeah, but let me not get it twisted. Like I do need Jordan in my life. I love him. I want him in my life. But I think that men truly think that we ain't shit without them. And I'm just speaking in generally, like, if we lose them, we have no leg to stand on.

Hannah K.  37:11  
But the thing is, is that you want a man that thinks the opposite. You know that you want him to think that I know she doesn't need me. And that makes it 10 times better. It does.

Sydney F.  37:21  
It's rare to find, yeah, I'm about to get on man, just real quick,

Hannah K.  37:25  
they are over here to do.

Sydney F.  37:29  
And they just their mindsets. Like I just tweeted this the other day, the disconnect between men and women is always going to be there because men just mature slowly, like way more so than we do. And like another thing that I've learned is men, not all of them. I know some men that are really good at controlling their their mental state and their mindset. But men have such a hard time processing their emotions. And so instead they just act

Hannah K.  37:54  
out, right, like losing and fantasy football, right? Oh, let me punch a fucking hole in the drywall because my fantasy team lost this week,

Sydney F.  38:03  
right? And they don't talk about it. But they seek validation and things when they feel like they're lacking it in with their woman. Like if we're not hugging them or loving them, they're not going to come to you and have a constructive conversation and be like, maybe I could use a little bit more affection. No, they're gonna go seek validation on only fans. Yeah, and other placee Exactly. It's an emotion processing issue. Because we as women, I feel like we're able to become to them and be like, hey, like, you know, this is something that I'm really struggling with, you know, let's talk about it. I could use more of this and this situation, did

Hannah K.  38:33  
it or not, and then they're like, why are you nagging me? Exactly,

Sydney F.  38:36  
exactly. So like, and you know, Chelsea and I talk about this all the time, men go to fucking therapy

Hannah K.  38:43  
literally leaves they have to unlearn misogynistic tendencies they do. That's a learned thing that they learn from the time of being able to learn until it is just they realize it's not realistic, right?

Sydney F.  38:59  
And it's just the common narrative for men. Like it's not something that we can typic we can't blame them for that because this is how they're wired. We are just we are not the same. We will never think the same as them, but they are not there. They're never going to want to come off as soft. They're never going to want to come off as emotional or whatever the case may be.

Hannah K.  39:19  
So are the most fucking emotional people on the planet.

Sydney F.  39:22  
Absolutely. But they're gonna hide it in every possible way that they can men would

Hannah K.  39:26  
rather kill their entire fucking family than get a divorce nowadays.

Sydney F.  39:30  
So true. rivage that is so true Hannah spitting them fucking facts like that is the best fucking possible example that I can think of. But you are so right I know I'm sure like, it makes me say I detect Chelsea you know, like, You're so right.

Hannah K.  39:49  
Pause for a tech.

Sydney F.  39:51  
No like, No, you're that's so true. Like instead of instead of just getting the divorce and being honest. Like I'll just I would rather kill you Like, Oh, I haven't have a mistress like fucking

Hannah K.  40:02  
watts, Chris watts, not Brian, not Chris

Sydney F.  40:06  
Chris watts. And that's what I was thinking about the best example like, and it's so true whether it be to that extent or just to something you see a Peterson.

Hannah K.  40:14  
Yes. That man that recently killed his family in Utah? Yes,

Sydney F.  40:21  
yes, like. So the point here being is if you catch your man, purchasing only fans or downloading dating apps or cheating, maybe ask him what it is that he's lacking that he doesn't have the balls to talk about. Because he's intimidated by you, as a woman who was able to stand firm in her emotions, who's able to stand firm and how the fuck she feels, and bring it to him. He can't do that. He can't do that.

Hannah K.  40:46  
And the thing is, is that like misogynistic men are starting to see the light of how us as women who are independent and don't need them for shit are starting to realize that I'm never going to find anybody by how I act. Right.

Sydney F.  41:01  
And I think a lot of the times, we tend to put up with things a little too much on a being I'm guilty of it. I'm not shitting on Jordan. I'm just saying like, I think when we forgive and forgive and forgive, that's not really teaching them any lesson, obviously. And so we have to do better about standing on what we need. And we we want in some situations, yeah, like, it's, I'm sorry, but it's like training a dog.

Hannah K.  41:29  
Because men are dogs. In our dogs. Yeah,

Sydney F.  41:33  
they bark. Um, so it's just yeah, it we went from work wives work husbands to like this whole other subject, but it's I feel like it's so important to talk about because I think when we're young, we just see it as like, oh, he doesn't like me. Like he you know, he doesn't love me. He's hurting me. He's breaking my heart. No, it's deeper than that. Right? Yes. unprocessed emotions that he doesn't want to talk about. So he's seeking validation in something else.

Hannah K.  41:58  
Exactly. Period. Exactly. Point blank. Period. P But now women aren't getting married aren't having sex with men now rights like casual sex because of bodily autonomy. Yep. And men are pissed about it. Therapist, stay mad. For real stay mad because my life isn't worth some day.

Sydney F.  42:22  
And I feel like too, and not only the bodily autonomy thing, and plus your dick. Isn't that great? Anyway, yeah, we're just like starting to realize at this point, like you really aren't making me calm. So like, like, either, like make it happen or don't because like, I don't have time for this, right? We're just playing the game. And and I don't think this applies to younger girls. I think I think it applies to women our age, because we're getting to that age where we see through everything. Yeah. And like we've been there done that. Right. So like, if there if we do have younger women listening to this, just trust me, your man. He ain't shit.

Hannah K.  42:57  
If they're like, comrade this day, oh, sorry. My license is suspended like

Sydney F.  43:01  
you No. Like, are you? Is it? Am I just gonna ride your ticker? Is there gonna be foreplay involved? Like, do I have to touch myself? Let me know. You know what I mean? Like, come on. Right really have to start asking these questions because we as women are starting to learn and like yeah, the casual hookups is just,

Hannah K.  43:18  
it's an it for me. Sex is messy. No, it is and like, I just don't want to deal with it. No, it is I don't want to deal with the cleanup. It's

Sydney F.  43:27  
just so like, it's, I feel like this is a whole other subject that we could say for another episode. So like, I want to like bring it up too much. But like, Man, y'all just really ain't making you girl calm. Yeah, we'll save it for another episode. But like, let's Yeah, I hate to break it to y'all. But like We're faking it.

Hannah K.  43:43  
Yeah, sorry. I can't eat plus either.

Sydney F.  43:47  
This is such a good subject for another episode. Like I could go for hours about this particular episode. And please keep in mind when we say men, we're not actually talking about all men. Like I get it. There's men out there that do everything right for the woman they love.

Hannah K.  44:00  
Yes, we're making a generalization.

Sydney F.  44:03  
generalization. It's more common, because it's most of you, but not all of you. Yeah, I feel like cut I feel like you know, men could really learn from this from this episode of the show in general. And we forgot to bring up Andrew Tate to get get fucked entertained like and I'm so tired of these people like trying to take up for him like, oh my god, like what is acid and Joe?

Hannah K.  44:27  
Like, this man is a sex trafficker. Right, what do you we're not shocked

Sydney F.  44:30  
because it's not like he ever talked with much respect for women in the first place.

Hannah K.  44:34  
But yeah, it was all on galane Maxwell, because why? Oh, that's right. She was a woman.

Sydney F.  44:41  
So honestly, I don't have much to say on that other than good. I was hoping

Hannah K.  44:44  
like something like that would happen to him.

Sydney F.  44:48  
I honestly saw a comment because he spoke like a man who obviously had no respect for women. So like him doing something like that, like when did when did any sexual trafficker or sexual Users serial killer have any respect for their victims they didn't know. So not shocked, not in the slightest. Also, too, this is just a little side note of something that I watched recently. It's Atlanta. If you've ever heard of it, Donald Glover so good. I just finished it the other day, my friend at work and my friends put me on. Great show. Great show. I

Hannah K.  45:22  
think it just ended like recently, like on air recently,

Sydney F.  45:25  
it may have if there's four seasons, there's 10 episodes, and each season we binge that in like a week. Yeah, so So, so, so good. I've heard good things. It's from the black person's perspective, and things that they go through and things they're kind of just like, almost making light of things that they go through. But at the same time, it's like so serious, right? And then there's like certain random episodes in between each episode, and that is up for your own interpretation. And some of them will end and you'll be like, what what the fuck was that made? No sense but then you like the more you think about it, it starts to come together like Donald Glover is a fucking genius. He's great a genius like this show you would love it. He can rap

Hannah K.  46:08  
that stand up comedy.

Sydney F.  46:11  
Did you see him dancing? This is American Act yeah thinking

Hannah K.  46:15  
it was so

Sydney F.  46:16  
good like I know you and you would love it

Hannah K.  46:19  
maybe I'll watch it you would absolutely love it.

Sydney F.  46:21  
I just want to I just wanted to throw that out there because that's not something that should be good kept saga

Hannah K.  46:26  
right very few things should be gate kept know for sure. Well, this has been a good combo

Sydney F.  46:31  
really has you can tell we had some shit to get off our chests.

Hannah K.  46:35  
I'm glad to be back me to image Well, if we're back.

Sydney F.  46:38  
We are we are back at least for three weeks. Let us get three episodes out. And then we might go share again. But like we this is actually the third time we've attempted to record because it is Mercury retrograde.

Hannah K.  46:51  
Literally my Zune podcast dying no

Sydney F.  46:54  
it never it never does that until Mercury retrograde. But in I had said before, like, you know we do, we do ghost you guys. And I get that. And it's like, they're not consistent and we lose you and I understand that. But you also have to understand that we are probably the most realistic podcast hosts of all time, like whether it be mental whether it be just life being busy in general, like things happen. And we drift apart from it a lot. And I get that and we are trying to do better. But to sit here and make a claim that we are absolutely going to do better right away. It's just not realistic. Yeah.

Hannah K.  47:27  
It's not like our friendship doesn't drift apart.

Sydney F.  47:29  
No, it doesn't. It's just like we drift apart from recording, right? Like I said before

Hannah K.  47:33  
other things to do. It's life. Yeah, and see if this was our job, it'd be different.

Sydney F.  47:39  
It would be so different. Click the links again. And whether you know we have back to back episodes or whether there's time in between our episodes or fire I do not care. I think that we are real. I think we are spitting them facts from a woman's perspective. And I love what we do. And I hope that you guys do too because we we really feel passionately about what we talk about.

Hannah K.  48:01  
Literally, that's all we get. We give our all we do we have our all together when we

Sydney F.  48:05  
when we when we record, we are putting our whole has SE and sintesi into it. And our embassy speaking of scissor her album, chef's kiss. I just have to put that out there. I was trying to think of things that have happened in like pop culture.

Hannah K.  48:18  
I haven't listened to it. And I don't like I'm not I'm not like a super fan like you. Well,

Sydney F.  48:24  
I just think that this woman is just and I love her. No I do because if you remember the control era back in 2017

Hannah K.  48:30  
like Sousa makes sad bitch music.

Sydney F.  48:34  
She does. absolutely does. And in 2017 control was this odd chick album they in

Hannah K.  48:41  
Africa with no use of bug in bug with that song.

Sydney F.  48:45  
Because I was beside chick at the time. 2017 was the year of me being a side chick. Yeah. If you haven't heard that episode, you should go back and listen to it. It's a major confession that I'm not very proud of. But it's out there for the world to hear. But this album is very much shitting on her exes and her end men and we love that. And it's just so good.

Hannah K.  49:01  
Well, didn't she Nate Drake?

Sydney F.  49:03  
I don't know. Like he made that comment. And like one of his songs like I used to days is a backhand OA or whatever. I guess they did. La. Yeah, yeah, that's what he said in the song. But so he might have made that up just a rhyme. Right. But I don't know. It's seems to me like she would have been very young at the time.

Hannah K.  49:21  
How old is she?

Sydney F.  49:22  
I guess he would have been two. She's 33. Okay, I posted her ads on my Instagram story the other day,

Hannah K.  49:29  
so he's only three years older. Okay, so

Sydney F.  49:31  
that's yeah, sorry, drink. We're not canceling it. Anyway.

Hannah K.  49:34  
Well, he did have that thing with Millie Bobby Brown, which was weird. That was

Sydney F.  49:38  
very strange. Yeah. And also, I think as far as like, you know, him producing euphoria. I think euphoria is a questionable

Hannah K.  49:47  
example. Yeah, he's an executive producer for it. Thanks to just give some money.

Sydney F.  49:52  
Okay, well, it's a little odd to me even with Sam Levenson, because when we talked about this before, I'm not gonna go into it, but like, those are high schoolers.

Hannah K.  49:59  
I can not not wait until

Sydney F.  50:02  
rewatching after I finished Atlanta started rewatching you for you.

Hannah K.  50:05  
ruse still owes that lady like 10 grand dollars like

Sydney F.  50:09  
what is going to happen to rue? I can't wait for it to come out and for us to talk about it's not coming out till 2024

Hannah K.  50:15  
I think Sydney Sweeney said they're going to start filming soon.

Sydney F.  50:19  
Oh, I can't wait to see fesko again, Jesus.

Hannah K.  50:21  
I love him. He called me and he's gonna be in that orange jumpsuit. And I can't wait

Sydney F.  50:25  
for it. And I'm so excited and in listen if this was real life, I would be right there putting money on them books.

Hannah K.  50:32  
They will not fuck her. I swear to god it's gonna be a fucking triangle. love triangle with the bay and fucking Lexie like

Sydney F.  50:43  
nah we were so like the whole Lexi and fez love story. I was just that scene and and I've said this before of them sitting on the couch

Hannah K.  50:51  
smoking by me.

Sydney F.  50:54  
I loved it. I was like that is so they're vibing so hard. And Stranger Things. Season Five we have that deliver to you. The new season of you. Let's

Hannah K.  51:04  
it's giving Gossip Girl maybe it's in the same universe in

Sydney F.  51:08  
the trailer is giving Gossip Girl and I'm really concerned because I don't know that. I'm gonna like it. But pin.

Hannah K.  51:13  
You gotta watch pin. You gotta watch out for a pin. That is Daddy.

Sydney F.  51:17  
That is the white daddy for me. I love this man. He is so far off from my usual type but like, wow, yeah, I love him and I just can't help the whole vibe. No, he really is like and because not only like his character is like I think he's phenomenal on screen like right actor. He cares a lot about really deep issues, especially for women too. And I just think that makes him so attractive. And it gives big dick energy. And we love him for that. Period. Yeah, period anyways,

Hannah K.  51:47  
but I'm excited for that. Me too. And that 90 show comes out on Netflix. I saw that as a spin off. Yes, yes. But the original cast is going to be in a couple of episodes.

Sydney F.  51:59  
That's fire. That's fire anytime you bring back the Oh geez. It's like going to be fire

Hannah K.  52:04  
like Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are going to be in it. I love them. Me too. I love a couple in real life. I love them as a couple. I love that they're married in real life. Wilmer Valderrama is going to be in it as soon as he really is.

Sydney F.  52:18  
He really is so fun. Like I whenever him and Demi split up. I was just like this. What is wrong with

Hannah K.  52:23  
you? Yeah, but he was also like tenure loader. That's true. I'm

Sydney F.  52:26  
sorry. Don't cancel me.

Hannah K.  52:29  
Yeah, it's weird. But he was he's fine.

Sydney F.  52:31  
He really is. Yeah, we have a lot to look forward to. So we'll definitely be discussing that show whenever we start watching it, and we will obviously give spoiler alerts and

Hannah K.  52:40  
because I like talking about that stuff. Me too, because we haven't been able to watch a whole lot of TV like nothing's really been awesome Stranger Things. Yeah,

Sydney F.  52:49  
but maybe he wants you maybe if you watch Atlanta, we can talk about that. I would love to use you. I know you would love it. Okay, you would love it.

Hannah K.  52:56  
What's it on? Hulu?

Sydney F.  52:57  
It is on Hulu. Yes. Okay. Yeah. And it's because it's it's a lot of things that you also care about, but in like a comedy way

Hannah K.  53:05  
Gotcha. You will thoroughly enjoy Yeah, so it's like satire. It's

Sydney F.  53:09  
and like the ones that like you have to like think about you being like super intelligent. You like to talk about things and how you interpret them. This is the show for that. You will love it. Love that. All right. Well, I want to make one shout out now you're just getting Jordan has some shows coming up. I just wanted to put this out here for him on January the 19th. Kings of the valley comedy show at 8pm. Bolin bones and Blacksburg should come you should come this Thursday. I need to come you would thoroughly enjoy it. I might come it's a lot of fun. We can have a drink and then this drink. I cannot go to these shows. I get to double shots of tequila and corona every single time on the floor but I survived. So Thursday January the 19th. Bolin bones Blacksburg 8pm. It is a $5 cover charge 18 And up is obviously encouraged because they are raunchy the flight control Roanoke Virginia January 27. That's my birthday. Yeah, maybe you should come to that show. January 27. At 9pm $5 entry fee ladies are free. No, that's right. And this is that again flight control in Reno ladies for free ladies, you don't you pretty privileged come use it at the comedy show. And then January 31, long way brewing comedy company in Radford it is an old church that they've turned into a brewery that's interesting. It is it is an actual church. Oxymoron is another comedy show. So January 19, at Bolin bones January the 27th. That flight control in Roanoke and January 31 at Longway brewing comedy company. Sorry, go see Jordan. He's funny do his thing. I mean, I have to say he's pretty funny. It's enjoyable. Don't bring your kids because you'll have a lot of explaining to do when you leave out of there. They'll be asking like hard questions, not child friendly. And you might see the BBP there. So come hang out with us. You might see us both period. That's why I'm saying that I'm gonna bring Hannah I'm going to drag Hannah to the next show. And you're gonna see the PvP there. Come hang out with us. Come laugh come have some drinks, it'd be a good time we'll sign an autograph.

Hannah K.  55:09  
We're not even No, we do not see yourself as famous at all.

Sydney F.  55:15  
But if you asked, I'll sign something. Later.

Hannah K.  55:20  
I guess it'll be a fun time for sure. But that's it. That's all we got for now. Yeah,

Sydney F.  55:26  
we missed you guys. Yeah,

Hannah K.  55:27  
we definitely have missed you. And our website is not PvP production anymore. Yes, the PvP pod.com So go because that's like our handle for literally everything. It is. It is it is. So it's not to get confused with anything else is not

Sydney F.  55:47  
to get confused. This one's a lot of throwback references on the show.

Hannah K.  55:54  
Yeah, but the PBP pod.com Go click it. Go check it out. Go listen to some episodes and give us some money. But listen to the math pay attention click them affiliate link now but check it out. For real I worked hard on that. She really

Sydney F.  56:09  
did Hannah puts her fucking all every my buddy Jesse in it. She really does. Like it's I could never I have no say in any of that. I just she sends it to me. And I'm just like, looks great. And then it's that. Yeah, so

Hannah K.  56:24  
there it is. I think we're just gonna also transfer our group to just a page on Facebook.

Sydney F.  56:31  
Because you guys keep leaving understandable. Whatever. Bye. Bye. So yeah, I think it was just that way. We have less places for you to have to find us. So Right.

Hannah K.  56:40  
And those in episodes get uploaded to that page. Yes, because it's linked. Yes. So it'll be a lot easier. Good for y'all. But anyway, that's it. Thank you guys so much for listening. And we'll see you all in the next one. Bye bye.