Feb. 17, 2023

Me and who

For this special Galentine's /Valentine's Day bonus episode, Hannah and Sydney get drunk and answer a question from one of their listener's. They also get raunchy & personal, playing the card game "Bad Choices: After Dark."...

In this special Galentine's/Valentine's Day bonus episode, Hannah and Sydney get drunk and answer a question from a listener. They also get raunchy & personal while playing the card game "Bad Choices: After Dark."


Hannah K.  0:11  
What's up everybody? Welcome to the PvP podcast where all we do is talk shit and ghosts. You like your toxic ex? I'm Hannah.

Sydney F.  0:19  
I'm Sydney.

Hannah K.  0:20  
Thank you guys so much for being here tonight. We really appreciate it. I really do. We're really fucked up right now. Yeah, we're a little drunk on my face is hot as fuck.

Sydney F.  0:30  
No same. That's like the first thing that's obvious on me. That's how so Sydney's drunk is it for cheeks are red. Same.

Hannah K.  0:35  
They're burning. It's it's the burn.

Sydney F.  0:38  
Get a little hot in here.

Hannah K.  0:40  
It literally is. But yeah, we're really excited. Happy Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day.

Sydney F.  0:46  
Happy Valentine's to all of our bitches that tune in we love you guys so much. Yes.

Hannah K.  0:51  
And we're gonna answer a question that one of our listeners our loyal listener, Tara, we love you, girl. You're amazing. We're going to answer her question. Yeah.

Sydney F.  1:02  
So you know we'd really love it when you guys comment on the group or wherever it is that you follow information about our show and give us ideas give us suggestions and other listener Andy who will listen she kind of reached out to us and told us some things that she would like to hear that's something that we definitely have to do a little bit of research in Yeah, and this episode is more of a fun type of episode so we're gonna save that for a later day but any suggestion does not go unnoticed

Hannah K.  1:28  
because like the true crime sphere is like so sad like it's like so morbid right now it is I really like all the death it's just it's too much and that's something that

Sydney F.  1:39  
I think we're wanting to dive into this year a little bit more as true crime as you guys know, we are not a true crime podcast now. Like it's overdone.

Hannah K.  1:46  
It's overworked, very saturated. It's a very saturated like area of podcast it

Sydney F.  1:51  
is but you know it is something that we both individually enjoy and so it's something that I think we want to incorporate more into our show.

Hannah K.  2:01  
Maybe not like necessarily like true crime but like mystery Yeah, like Playboy yeah which we still need to fucking do which

Sydney F.  2:07  
you guys you guys really love the Playboy curse episode loved it and we use like we were like yeah, we're gonna do a part two and we haven't done a part two but we haven't forgotten we're very disorganized and messy over here but please bear the fuck with us.

Hannah K.  2:21  
Why don't we have our podcast planners if we don't use

Sydney F.  2:25  
cutest podcast planners of Amazon and she was like I got this for you. We haven't written in at once. Not a one time one time but I don't remember this so if you want to start utilizing those maybe

Hannah K.  2:34  
we should we really should this will be our third episode in a row so proud of us. I'm excited. You expected not go so well. You come back. But the comeback was phenomenal. Was fire

Sydney F.  2:47  
like I really thought because we took so much time off that like nobody was gonna give a fuck about our show anymore. I

Hannah K.  2:52  
get like one Listen,

Sydney F.  2:54  
but you guys really tune the fucking and you really missed a really and

Hannah K.  2:57  
we were like number four on good pods. Relationship charts smack

Sydney F.  3:03  
us right on our fucking asses. Cheers. Cheers, bitch to that.

Hannah K.  3:07  
We're talking shit. I don't care what anybody fucking says like so anyway. Yeah, we're drunk. How are you?

Sydney F.  3:15  
says you know what? I'm gonna say this with a smile on my face because I'm tipsy. I'm stressed. I'm stressed the bug out I'm not even gonna lie to y'all but right now it'll feel so stressed because this one is hitting exactly as it should but right lands right lands please sponsor

Hannah K.  3:30  
a sponsor. Dollar General.

Sydney F.  3:33  
Bright lands sweet blueberry from Dollar General, is what I'm sipping on Sanai. Hana. You're sipping on

Hannah K.  3:40  
barefoot Moscato with Scott the white this is

Sydney F.  3:43  
I feel like this is how you know you've reached old lady peak truly. Just like sipping online

Hannah K.  3:48  
and you're fucked up from sipping on wine like bitch back in the day like 12 years ago I could drink min under the fucking table. Oh, fine. Yeah, but now it's like two sips of wine and I'm on the fucking floor and

Sydney F.  4:03  
I was on a second glass and I was talking in the middle she goes I'm drunk I'm fucked up I'm gone no I'm okay like overall but it's like an exciting type of stressed out because you know we're moving out of our house we move this week there's a little packing before I came over here so try to get a head start on that but yeah, once we get into our new house and stuff I think everything will kind of simmer down and then of course, I'll be going on a cruise Z ha my first cruise so I'm really really excited so if you guys have any like cruise or tips or suggestions don't be afraid to like comment on this episode and let me know because I'm hella nervous. Exciting though. Yeah, I'm very excited to go out of the country. Yeah, for the first time ever. So we're going to Grand Turk and Amber Cove and the Dominican Republic I'm really so fucking excited a lot to look forward to but it's like the road to getting there. It's like stressing me all the way the fuck out.

Hannah K.  4:52  
But once it's over, you can enjoy it.

Sydney F.  4:55  
Yeah, we have found a little house that we are you know putting all our hope in You know we really

Hannah K.  5:01  
so cute so cute. So thank you and I'm not gonna lie like you already know it's cuter than the house that you're in now

Sydney F.  5:08  
it is our house we're now it has a lot of character it's old it was built in 1932 and it's made a really great home for us

Hannah K.  5:14  
it was built during the Great Depression literally like the year are like three years after the stock market

Sydney F.  5:20  
crash it's an older house but like I've always loved my house we've been in for three years now but it's time to move on there's a lot of issues going on with the property management they just really don't take care of things that they're supposed to and like I said on the previous episode or the episode before this is the year for me to start like saving money and cutting back we're on finances where I can so that's what we're doing I'm really sticking to that goal

Hannah K.  5:42  
it's such a cute fucking house though like it gives off a lot of like light energy

Sydney F.  5:46  
it does and then Kobe will have like a big fenced in backyard which is why he fucking deserves

Hannah K.  5:51  
yes to work out all that energy that he has Yeah, so

Sydney F.  5:55  
if you guys could just like send us some positive vibes positive energy we would totally appreciate it because we can use it right now I'm

Hannah K.  6:01  
excited to see what happens because I really hope it works out

Sydney F.  6:06  
I'm so fucking nervous because like if it falls apart, it's just like okay, and we have backup plans right this is the plan that I want of course

Hannah K.  6:13  
you know you always want Plan A to work but then you have Plan B and Plan C

Sydney F.  6:17  
yeah so and we might have to go into like a little tiny apartment until this house is available which is not ideal but like I'm grateful to have like that stepping stone in between

Unknown Speaker  6:27  
right i mean like it's better than being homeless for sure.

Sydney F.  6:30  
But you know what we're not sure when the house is gonna be available is basically what I'm saying. So we found this like little tiny apartment it's $350 for two months and that includes everything and I kind of got that deal because I know this person I mean it's not like something that she rents it for

Unknown Speaker  6:44  
she's the plug she's the but

Sydney F.  6:47  
yeah so anyways positive vibes will be greatly appreciated as we transition into new living situation living

Hannah K.  6:53  
because you guys have been there for like three years

Sydney F.  6:55  
three years going on four which is wild to me

Hannah K.  6:57  

Unknown Speaker  6:58  
you guys need something like new it's just time for like a fresh start a

Hannah K.  7:03  
agree and you

Sydney F.  7:04  
know so shitty of me. I'm not anal about like the deep cleaning but I'm anal about like wiping my counters down and keep in my kitchen right I can't stand it I can't stand from a hostel have lived in and I was like looking today and I was like upset because there was like the spot on the counter and I started catching xiety And then I was like you know what, fuck that spot on the counter. I'm moving who cares? They don't fucking care about this about like and so like my house is in such disarray. I've got boxes set up everywhere and it's a mess but I'm excited

Hannah K.  7:30  
once that's all done and over with you'll be a lot less stress.

Sydney F.  7:36  
I'm gonna upgrade myself let me upgrade which is exactly what I was thinking of. Exactly what I was thinking of if you know you fucking No, no,

Hannah K.  7:43  
guess what song is turning 18 in like a couple days.

Sydney F.  7:48  
Oh my god, I'm scared.

Hannah K.  7:49  
I take it to the candy shut

Sydney F.  7:51  
the fuck up. It is not where yours go?

Hannah K.  7:56  
I don't know we're old came out in 2005 Because the 50 cent album The massacre was supposed to come out on Valentine's Day because it was gonna be like valent Valentine's Day mask or what? Oh yeah, but it came out like a month later.

Sydney F.  8:12  
I remember when Get Rich or Die tryin the album came out and oh three Oh my God. And that was like the first major crush that I had.

Hannah K.  8:20  
That was the first like real CD I ever got,

Sydney F.  8:22  
I think and then the movie came out a few years later. Yeah, top tier. It's the old ladies and us speaking but anyways Hannah Kay How are you doing

Hannah K.  8:30  
this? Oh my god big things happen and over here about it my downstairs is getting renovated Yeah, we're getting our fucking studio right as we speak Can

Unknown Speaker  8:41  
you fucking believe it?

Hannah K.  8:43  
I cannot not like

Sydney F.  8:45  
she's literally not cap and like it's literally being renovated right now.

Hannah K.  8:48  
Like right now. very dusty. Very loud. Excited. Me too.

Sydney F.  8:53  
Because you guys like you know, we've been recording this whole show from Hannah's couch almost two years in which by the way is a very comfy space. Yeah, it's a record but we're gonna have like a legit studio

Hannah K.  9:06  
like an actual space to record with like

Sydney F.  9:09  
a table and a background Yeah, and so

Hannah K.  9:13  
get back to like videos. Yeah, because like it's not like we didn't want to stop doing videos it was just like it took so much time right? It really does take like all day to like set up

Sydney F.  9:24  
how many episodes did we do on YouTube three three. So YouTube was fun but it was like you like Hannah was literally having to like bring in lighting and like the viewfinder and like all these things and it was just too much but now makes everything is just gonna be there.

Hannah K.  9:38  
Yes. And I don't have to move it. You can stay right where the buckets at

Sydney F.  9:43  
the PDP is upgrading

Hannah K.  9:45  
graders so excited. Love to see it. We're doing big things bitch.

Unknown Speaker  9:49  
We really are which I love it. Cheers

Sydney F.  9:51  
to us once again.

Hannah K.  9:52  
How do you feel about Valentine's Day?

Sydney F.  9:55  
I think it's dumb as fuck really? I really do. I mean holidays are fun. Like everybody gets excited for holidays, but I feel like Valentine's Day. I don't know. It's kind of like one of those things that can make some people feel really shitty. And I don't like that. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? Like, everybody, but I think if you look at it, like from a perspective of like Valentine's Day can be something that you celebrate a relationship, friendships family, I think if you look at it, like at a broader spectrum, it makes more sense. I agree. But if you're just looking at Valentine's Day of like, Oh, we've been in a relationship for seven years, and we're, you know, that's dumb, and you ain't got a ring. Right? But if you look at it, like for all kinds of love, yeah, I'm here for it. Because my mom has always grown up. She always got me and my sister something for Valentine's Day.

Hannah K.  10:42  
Yeah. So in Easter baskets. And

Sydney F.  10:45  
she asked me yesterday at Sam's Club, she was like, Do you like this Easter basket? And I was like, Yeah,

Hannah K.  10:51  
I guess Mom,

Sydney F.  10:52  
can you please get it for me? So yeah, I mean, I don't hate it. Do I think it's stupid? Yeah, it's kind of dumb. It's not something that Jordan and I really choose to spend money on. Yeah, we barely spend money on Christmas, you know, to each their own. It's just not something that we really care about.

Hannah K.  11:05  
I feel like I think it's more for like engaged couples or like married couples.

Sydney F.  11:11  
I mean, I truly find gallon times way more important than Mountain Time. Hell, yeah. You know, because without our bitches, we are nothing, right? Like, let's talk about it. Like really, we would really drown out here without our bridges for real. So it's really important for women to have other like minded women,

Unknown Speaker  11:27  
like we have mentioned. Timing. Yeah.

Sydney F.  11:31  
So yeah, I think if you look at it from that perspective, like this episode, we're celebrating our friendship or celebrating how far we've come and it is something to be celebrated proud as

Hannah K.  11:38  
fuck of us. I feel like it's just getting more and more successful. And like I said, I think things are getting ready to like pop off. I don't know. I just feel it in mind. I

Sydney F.  11:48  
just want everybody to know that regardless of the PvP blows up, we truly enjoy doing what we do. It's so much fun

Hannah K.  11:55  
and the loyal listeners club, you're getting a ticket to the fucking Jimmy Fallon show

Sydney F.  12:00  
you guys we have it's called the LLC, and I can name all five of you. Yeah, off the top of my head. We've had some y'all really listen from day one. I ran into Taylor, shout out to Taylor. We don't last name drop on the show. But I ran into her at HomeGoods maybe. And she looked at me. She was like, Girl, when's the next podcast episode because it's been two months. She was like, I've been wanting to wanting to listen. And I was like, we have one out. She was high. And that just makes me feel really good.

Hannah K.  12:30  
Yeah. And you sent me a message that night, and I was like, I love

Sydney F.  12:34  
that. Yeah, so shout out to you. It made me feel good.

Hannah K.  12:37  
I want people to come up to us and be like, when's the next episode coming out?

Sydney F.  12:40  
Yeah, because it's just like, I don't know. Like, you know, every time we put on an episode, I feel like we're like, Oh, if that was his, like, I hope people relate. And so when you guys do even if it is people that we're just friends with or went to school with, it means a lot.

Hannah K.  12:52  
No, but our like consumption rate after the Public Service Announcement episode has been over 100% Or like around 98% which is fucking fantastic. This is great. Like, that's amazing. Cheers. Cheers.

Sydney F.  13:08  
So yeah, it is the gallon times episode. It's all about love. And I just want you guys to know we love you guys. We appreciate you so much. And please don't think that we look at you as fans because we don't like you're not you're not like your friend. You're our friends. You're not fans. We know we're not famous. Please don't ever think that we think that but your support literally just means the most and

Hannah K.  13:26  
even if we did end up getting more notable and like recognizable in public, we're still gonna see you as our friend

Sydney F.  13:33  
or friends. Yeah, it's like even though you're not physically here like having these conversations with us. We know that you guys are like listening in and relating and it's just it's a cool thing. Oh no

Hannah K.  13:42  
who's a real ones are you don't go on nurses should drinking and being in our feelings. And our take care and our take care.

Sydney F.  13:52  
Our last two episodes had such a good response.

Hannah K.  13:54  
Oh my god. So good. Yeah, they really did.

Sydney F.  13:57  
Don't be a pygmy bitch. If you guys took any type of notes from the last episode, please don't be a pygmy.

Hannah K.  14:02  
A speaking and pygmy. I'm so ready for the Fenty bowl.

Unknown Speaker  14:06  
Me too. I cannot wait to watch the Rihanna concert tomorrow like

Hannah K.  14:09  
honestly, I could give a fuck less about who wins the Super Bowl

Sydney F.  14:15  
damn shorter give

Hannah K.  14:15  
a fuck like I just really want to see Rihanna do her fucking thing because

Sydney F.  14:20  
this bitch has been missing from the music industry for so long. Like I swear to God if she don't start with bitch better have my money. I'm going to leave. I've seen so many tiktoks are there like if she starts with Live me?

Hannah K.  14:35  
How long goodbye. Do you fucking ceased?

Sydney F.  14:38  
So yeah, I'm just really excited to see what she brings. What

Hannah K.  14:41  
if she started out with all of the lights?

Sydney F.  14:43  
I know she's gonna kill it. She's such a beverage.

Hannah K.  14:47  
Oh my god.

Sydney F.  14:48  
I wouldn't be on the edge of Robin. But you know what? I didn't think that there. Were going to be able to top Dre and Snoop Dogg last year.

Hannah K.  14:55  
I have to bring this up real quick. Fucking Donald Trump decided to end insult Rihanna are fucking clean. So this person on true social, which is Donald Trump's fucking social media app like Twitter, Rihanna, spray painted fuck Donald Trump. On a car at the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo. She's made a career of spewing degenerate filth. While bad mouthing America every chance she gets. Why is the NFL showcasing this crap? Rihanna should not be the halftime performer

Sydney F.  15:29  
who fucking shit and you shouldn't have been the president. But you were this was

Hannah K.  15:33  
Ronnie Jackson from Texas and then Donald Trump says without her quote unquote stylist she'd be nothing bad everything and no talent.

Sydney F.  15:42  
Ooh, and don't you wear a toupee? What? Anyway sucking

Hannah K.  15:45  
Cheeto as looking built like a rice crispy box before

Sydney F.  15:50  
you drag him to town and back.

Hannah K.  15:54  
Oh my fucking god like I love Robin Fenty.

Sydney F.  15:57  
No same. I'm so excited for the Rihanna concert.

Hannah K.  16:00  
I want her to bring out ASAP in there be mache do my pants Willow? No, if

Sydney F.  16:07  
he came out and did fashion Killa because you remember she was in that video? Yeah, that would be fire. Poppy in that

Unknown Speaker  16:14  
Tom Ford Malian that Tom Brown. Yes. And they had a baby. Everything's

Sydney F.  16:19  
full circle.

Hannah K.  16:21  
They were meant to my Bicha fashion. Killa Yep.

Sydney F.  16:23  
And she is I'm sure we will have an update on that after we watch it tomorrow.

Hannah K.  16:27  
For sure. And the first flyover like during the national anthem which Chris Stapleton is saying which is also really exciting. Fucking love Chris Stapleton to him and his wife are very progressive very much Black Lives Matter and like I love them so much but he is a fantastic singer. He really is but the flyover you know like when the jets fly over during the national anthem, all women

Sydney F.  16:54  
Shut up I

Hannah K.  16:55  
swear to god cheers to women. 50 years of women being Navy pilots like in Top Gun

Sydney F.  17:03  
women are amazing. Hell yeah, we are the things to come for to Super Bowl tomorrow.

Hannah K.  17:07  
It's a group of women is about to make Super Bowl history for the first time the flyover before Sunday's game will be piloted by an all female team

Sydney F.  17:16  
cheers to women. Cheers. Cheers to having proces periods. Hell

Hannah K.  17:19  
yeah, we can Earth human beings.

Sydney F.  17:22  
Can Hannah and I aren't going to but we can do.

Hannah K.  17:26  
Its magic, though. It is like more power to you. But not not. Nothing's coming out of this.

Sydney F.  17:32  
Me either. Um, so Tara once again. Hi, Tara. I'm a proud member of the LLC here at the PvP, she commented and she wanted us to talk about how to keep the spice in a relationship, a long term relationship like sex, how to keep wanting to fuck each other, if you will. And we're gonna give it a whole stack. Great

Hannah K.  17:53  

Sydney F.  17:54  
That's a great question. Because I think married or not, like, once you get out of that honeymoon phase, it's like schedule

Hannah K.  18:02  
be like look at each other. And you're like, Yeah, we're both in the mood. Let's fuck yeah, well,

Sydney F.  18:06  
we'll pencil that in. You know what I'm saying? So like, to be honest, like, I don't want to say that. Like, we don't know how to answer this question. But I feel like it's something that everybody is kind of lost on because I can say specifically for mine and my relationship like Jordan and I used to fuck like rabbits, especially when we were first together. And now it's it is few and far between.

Hannah K.  18:24  
There's only so much you can like do it is

Sydney F.  18:27  
me personally, like, I don't give a fuck about sex that much. I enjoy it. I do need it from time to time. But like, it's not something that I care so much about that I'm constantly thinking about it. So you know, if we do go a little while without having sex, it's not something that I like stress over because there's been plenty of nights. I don't feel like it. It just depends.

Hannah K.  18:48  
Like certain things you can do to make it spicy, like send a spicy text,

Sydney F.  18:54  
that young type of vibe in the relationship like maybe sending a random nude or like being flirtatious or, you know, there's little things I think that will keep that spice alive without doing too much. You know, some might even say put on a sexy outfit underneath your regular clothes. I know from Jordan specifically. He don't give a fuck about laundry. He told me that straight up. He was like, there's no need to put on laundry because I don't care about it. So, you know, he was honest and kept that upfront. So like that's not something that I worry about. It's just

Unknown Speaker  19:24  
getting naked. I don't care just take them granny panties off put a thong

Hannah K.  19:35  
pretty risky. Oh my god, I'm fucking dead.

Unknown Speaker  19:40  
For the poet

Sydney F.  19:44  
if you know you was definitely a millennial joke, but

Hannah K.  19:47  
breaking breaking.

Sydney F.  19:49  
You know? It's really like it's such a broad answer. I feel like it really

Hannah K.  19:52  
is like, it depends on how far you're willing to go to like, Are you into bondage? I'm fucking not They don't fucking time each of this bad. Fuck no and I never will because no because that's like one of my biggest fucking fears is not being able to get out of something

Sydney F.  20:13  
one second. Jordan tied me up one time.

Hannah K.  20:18  
I remember you fucking telling the story on like our juiciest DM story. Yeah, so I definitely got to more like hanging upside down.

Sydney F.  20:27  
No, he like got done and like left me tied up naked. Why? Like he got done and like put his clothes on and then he hopped on the video game and I was still tied by my wrist and ankles.

Hannah K.  20:37  
Oh, hell see that type of shit.

Sydney F.  20:41  
But not to answer You're not kidding me. I think it's really just about we can't speak for what turns you on or what turns your man on. But I think you know keeping focus on those little things like we just said like sitting nude whatever it may be. is important. Spontaneous it Yes. Speak on that hand because I thought that was a very good quantity. Like

Hannah K.  21:03  
it's something like your partner doesn't expect from you where this come from.

Sydney F.  21:09  
I agree with that. Like and you know what one thing for me and it might be just one of my kinks. I don't know, fucking in places that we're not supposed to be like. That for me will get me going.

Hannah K.  21:20  
Wow. Or take out the trash down. You take the trash.

Sydney F.  21:24  
Let's talk about what turns us on it 28 and a

Hannah K.  21:27  
half to be sexual.

Sydney F.  21:29  
If I see my man taking the trash out, or you know loading the dishwasher or sweeping and mopping, um, what, um, what like data you you are giving everything that you should be giving right now.

Hannah K.  21:43  
What are we doing right now?

Sydney F.  21:44  
We're drinking

Hannah K.  21:45  
and talking about?

Unknown Speaker  21:48  
What we're supposed to do what we do best here? Yeah.

Hannah K.  21:51  
spontaneity. Yeah, like it's very important. Something that your partner or husband or whatever doesn't expect from you.

Sydney F.  21:59  
We've had to find a way around that scheduled sex. Definitely. And I think that's probably a lot easier for couples who don't have kids. Yeah. But even if you do have kids, I think it's something that you definitely have to try to focus on. Like, don't pencil it in like Oh, tonight when the kids go to bed. Well fuck

Hannah K.  22:15  
like, Bro. Like, fucking put them in front of the TV. Put some fucking diner nuggets and they'll fucking oven and go fuck in the laundry room. Right?

Sydney F.  22:22  
Exactly. Like keep the kids distracted and then take that man and take his soul. Literally, like it's just all about the random

Hannah K.  22:30  
it doesn't even have to be like a thought like this. A lot of them

Unknown Speaker  22:34  
do it to it. Which cheers, period cheers to some family. Cheers. A lot. Yeah, you're

Unknown Speaker  22:40  
right. Like I've learned let him eat the attitude out of you. Girls

Sydney F.  22:45  
thought? I think that's just a hard question to answer because it really just depends on your kinks. Yeah, what you're into, but I think the one thing that we can definitely speak on is what you said just being spontaneous. Don't make it scheduled sex cuz then that's just boring. And just do random things. Like if he follows you into the kitchen, and the kids aren't around the corner and they're not looking pull the stick out?

Hannah K.  23:08  
Or like let him put his hand down here your pants? Yeah, for fucking sure. Or put his hand up your shirt. Like let him fill up who

Sydney F.  23:19  
are your loan dryer?

Unknown Speaker  23:22  
Why are we

Sydney F.  23:24  
because it's true though it it's not like you're really

Hannah K.  23:27  
need the physical. You need the physical attraction and you need the mental attraction do

Sydney F.  23:32  
you do? And you know, I think that it is hard. And you know, Jordan and I it's different for us because we're not married and we don't have kids. But I just want you guys to know that even if you are in a relationship that isn't there's no kids involved. It still dies it Yeah, it does. I mean, you get used to one another and you get lazy. So it's something that I think only when we're ovulating. Yeah, that we're like fuck me. That's

Hannah K.  23:59  
like literally the evil That's so fucking evil. That's like most fucking evil horny. Like of all time. I have to be honest. Issues is like give me fucking pregnant like Don't fucking pull out don't do it. Literally. It's fucking awful, y'all if you're a woman you fucking know

Sydney F.  24:19  
really do but I think another issue of mine is I have fallen so deep in love with my vibrators

Unknown Speaker  24:24  
like I can be an issue like there are fucking jackhammer. They are

Sydney F.  24:27  
jackhammers and they fucked me so right. It's so unfair, like on the spot. Like I will go and take a bubble bath and just pull out the hammer. And I'm good to go at it. Because I think we all know like the best orgasms we ever have is the ones that we give ourselves. Yeah, like because we know we know what we like. We know what works. And so I think that in relationships, especially long term relationships, you can get used to just making that part of like your daily routine. Yeah.

Hannah K.  24:57  
And it's like I just want to come and then Good Mark and I are like go to bed.

Sydney F.  25:02  
Which masturbation is so important. It's so healthy. It's so important I for your mental health, for sure. And it's something that I will admit like I incorporate into my daily life but I think that sometimes we can get so into in so caught up in that like instant gratification that we do forget we have someone that we

Hannah K.  25:23  
forget about the physical aspect, like the touching and like the actual like the kissing, caressing and yeah, like the love, right? The love like Mr.

Sydney F.  25:33  
Ritter can make me competent. Can't like it. Don't love me.

Hannah K.  25:36  
Fucking love me

Sydney F.  25:39  
though. Do you guys have a rose? Leave that in the comments. I just want to know because the rose changed my life. I just want to throw that out there. Like yeah, I think Hannah answered it as perfect as you possibly can. I think it just comes down to keeping it fun keeping it keeping it spontaneous.

Hannah K.  25:58  
Like damn, can break my fucking bag, please. Yeah, like come fucking round text

Sydney F.  26:02  
him text him while you're loading the washer. Come fuck me on this washer. Rail me? Yeah, I think you just have to communication is so important in all aspects of your relationship. And it's important in sex also, truly, just talk to your partner find out what it is that really gets them going and just play off of that. And

Hannah K.  26:20  
sex really is like needed. It is not for just like not for just men, obviously. But like for women to like, because you want to feel that intimacy you definitely do. I mean, men don't really need it don't need sex for the intimacy, they just need it for like to come basically not

Sydney F.  26:38  
and go, can we talk about something like you remember how like, if we would, we would fuck guys in high school, and we wouldn't know what you're talking about. We would be so in love with them. And then like, we would want to be in love after they calm and then they wouldn't like be the same. Like after they came, you know, I'm saying? Yeah, that's something that I can relate to.

Hannah K.  26:54  
Is that like coming to their senses? Yeah, post what is it called? Like,

Sydney F.  26:58  
post dot clarity? Yes. So,

Hannah K.  27:01  
um, snug clear. That's what Jordan says. That is

Sydney F.  27:04  
literally something that I can relate to now, like, I totally feel and after that, I'm like, Get off. You can go now.

Hannah K.  27:10  
Please. You want to go to sleep?

Unknown Speaker  27:13  
That's something that I never that's probably the only thing with men that I can relate to. I don't want to cuddle.

Sydney F.  27:18  
I'm going to sleep. Let me scroll on my tic tock and be a mom. We'll go away. Yes. Yeah. So that's something that I can definitely relate to. Yes, period. We'll be right back. So what were we going to do next on this gallon times episode, so

Hannah K.  27:31  
we were gonna do this, I guess back during like, New Years. We were gonna get this card game before but it wouldn't get here on time. Because I guess like during the holidays, it takes forever to get here. So I ordered it. My grandma bought it for me. Shout out to Barbara.

Sydney F.  27:51  
Barbara. Gail. Thank you so much girl. huge supporter of the PvP. No, she's not. Not at all. But she supported us tonight. She sponsored us tonight. Thank you.

Hannah K.  28:00  
So we got this game called bad choices after dark edition. And it's just quest like savage questions to ask each other. But you're not allowed to, like, elaborate further with the game. But we're going to

Sydney F.  28:17  
Yeah, there's definitely like rules to the game. And we're not going by the rules. We're just going to kind of use them as prompts. Yeah. Cuz like to answer the questions and elaborate if we want to, or if we don't want to, we don't have to. And also, I do think we can play it like this. If it's a question that we don't want to answer, we can just take a sip. I agree. So I think what we'll do is just lay the deck in between us and then

Hannah K.  28:37  
bitch, I'm nervous. I'm nervous too, because I was nervous. And we don't know how many cards we're gonna draw. We're just gonna see how long Yeah, and takes Yeah,

Sydney F.  28:46  
and we've not looked at these cards prior to this episode. So we have

Hannah K.  28:50  
literally just opened it. Like just now.

Sydney F.  28:52  
Alright, so you want to do the honors? Want to go first? Sure.

Hannah K.  28:55  
Here's bad choices after dark during sex. Have you ever tried to finger someone's asked without their permission?

Sydney F.  29:03  
Absolutely. Yeah. I'm very much into like, but play. I'm sorry. Is that too much? Wow. No, I am like, I enjoy it for myself. So I'll always try to like get Jordan into it. And I've ate Jordan das I think I've talked about that on the show

Hannah K.  29:18  
before where the men's G spot is. Yeah, no,

Sydney F.  29:21  
but he will not allow a finger. He will allow a tongue but he won't allow a finger. What's the difference?

Unknown Speaker  29:27  

Sydney F.  29:28  
I don't know. Maybe the fingers more firm? I don't know. But yeah, the answer that question is yes.

Hannah K.  29:33  
Do you think Jordan would appreciate you saying that like

Sydney F.  29:36  
I deserve Yeah, his one of his main jokes that he shows me his

Hannah K.  29:40  
Okay, period.

Sydney F.  29:42  
Jordan. Okay. Oh, these are so like in depth. Oh my god. Okay. Have you ever considered trying auto erotic asphyxiation, masturbation?

Hannah K.  29:53  
So like choking yourself while masturbating? Yeah, no, me either.

Unknown Speaker  29:58  
That is really the like a whole other level of freak Yeah, that's like an actual like kink I do

Sydney F.  30:04  
enjoy like light choking, looking, of course, but like, I don't think I could do to myself like that's too much focus on like my hands down there and my other hands up here like I don't think that I could focus like I don't

Hannah K.  30:16  
unless you did it with like an object

Unknown Speaker  30:18  
storage I'd be scared a lot is a lot next

Hannah K.  30:23  
would you use a giant dildo as your as your background image on a virtual work? Meeting for $5,000

Sydney F.  30:32  
for 5k apps a fucking Loli fucking hilarious girl. Yeah, like for money? He's joking. Do you know how much 5k would help me right now? The answer is app. I

Hannah K.  30:44  
think it would help quite a bit. Quite a few people.

Sydney F.  30:47  
Absolutely. Yes.

Hannah K.  30:48  
Would you maybe for a little more naturally? Maybe like 10k I'm

Sydney F.  30:52  
doing it for a solid 2k

Hannah K.  30:54  
me in Sydney have obviously completely different like, oh my god, I felt like I get like the worst fucking like the way her face

Unknown Speaker  31:05  
these are so fucking raunchy row. Okay,

Unknown Speaker  31:07  
I love it. Would you? You're gonna hate this.

Unknown Speaker  31:10  
I'm probably gonna hate it. Would you masturbate?

Hannah K.  31:14  
does everything have to do with masturbation? Would you masturbate in front

Sydney F.  31:17  
of your mom? To add five years to her life?

Hannah K.  31:21  
No. Sorry, Michelle. I love you. But now.

Unknown Speaker  31:26  
These are so good. They're so good. I know. I know.

Hannah K.  31:29  
My mom listens to sorry, mom.

Sydney F.  31:32  
Love my mom so much. If I could keep it five years, I could see if it was like a eternal life.

Hannah K.  31:37  
Maybe like 10 or 15. Like I think maybe just like,

Sydney F.  31:42  
close your ears.

Hannah K.  31:43  
I'm gonna throw up would you marry a billionaire? Even if it meant you could never see your family again?

Sydney F.  31:49  
No, you know me. I'm very deep rooted that family values also abuse like, ya know, me and my mom. We too tight for that. Yeah, no, I would never not see my mom. This is an all play. Think well, we'll go about that. I think this is something that we both answer. Okay. Would you kill someone if you were guaranteed to never be caught? Yes.

Hannah K.  32:09  
I don't think I hate somebody so much. Like I don't.

Sydney F.  32:11  
Yeah, there's nobody that Oh, Donald Trump.

Hannah K.  32:14  
I will consider

Sydney F.  32:15  
Yeah, for reasons that we might get taken down. Never. No, no. Next,

Hannah K.  32:24  
have you ever used a sex toy on someone other than yourself? No, I haven't always the easy fucking one.

Sydney F.  32:32  
No, I haven't. But I feel like that's a lesbian relationship type thing. I mean, I feel like lesbians use sex toys on each other, but like there's not really anything. What are you gonna do put a cock ring on your boyfriend?

Hannah K.  32:42  
I mean, I don't know. Yeah, I've

Sydney F.  32:43  
never. I mean, I would if given the opportunity, but I'm adventurous. I wouldn't say that. I'm like a downright fucking down home free. But

Hannah K.  32:51  
we are though. Like, I'm just like, Don't fucking touch me. Don't fucking touch me at all.

Sydney F.  32:57  
Would you ever like let me ask you this? This is Sydney. Question. This isn't a bad choice question. But would you use a vibrator on yourself while getting fucked? Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. I've done that. I've never gotten the opportunity to use on someone else. Would you get a tattoo on your ass of your own face for 10,000? Hell

Hannah K.  33:12  
yeah. of my own face. Because

Unknown Speaker  33:17  
that's a very much Kanye thing to do.

Hannah K.  33:19  
Yeah. And plus, like, I'm never gonna fuckin see it anyway, so why would I care?

Sydney F.  33:24  
The back shots will be crazy. Hell yeah. You can add on your face. Which one? The one on my ass or though my actual face?

Hannah K.  33:31  
Do you have a secret sexual fetish that you're too afraid to try to

Sydney F.  33:36  
afraid to try? I don't think so. I feel like my fetishes are very much like common like very like I'm into like, specific public sex is something that turns me on. Because I make very much like, we get arrested for public and it's not something that I've done like a lot or anything but like, you know, like, in places that you're not really supposed to be doing that and then light asphyxiation. Like not like

Hannah K.  34:01  
not like to the point you're passing out like turning black and blue. I'm very boring. Like I'm very fucking wonderbread

Sydney F.  34:11  
Oh, my God, would you this is not sexual. This is just dark. Would you sacrifice your life for a family member? No. It is a fuck. You

Hannah K.  34:21  
know? You know that? Like my biggest fear is death. So no, I'm not fucking

Unknown Speaker  34:26  
killing myself. Long drunken conversation about that. I don't even like

Hannah K.  34:31  
I'm sorry. I don't love my family. As much as I love myself.

Sydney F.  34:34  
I would definitely sacrifice myself for my mom and my sister. I would I love them. I don't think it's gonna be like, if it's not like immediate family. No, I love me more.

Unknown Speaker  34:43  
For sure.

Sydney F.  34:45  
I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. It's not a bad thing. I'm going to hell. No, you're not that's not a bad thing.

Hannah K.  34:49  
Would you be willing to have I would you be willing to have a large A large confederate flag sticker on your car for a year for new bins.

Sydney F.  35:06  
The answer is absolutely fucking not big. Wow, fuck the Confederacy fuck races there's not enough money or luxurious cars in the world to make me want to put any of that shit anywhere near me. Bins like what fuck a bins? Fuck every

Hannah K.  35:25  
No absolutely not that when we stand on that shit, that's the easy answer.

Sydney F.  35:30  
This is a would you rather question Would you rather have sex with one of your parents best friends or smell like a bag of urine for a month?

Hannah K.  35:41  
Sex with the parents best version

Sydney F.  35:42  
or depends on like, which friend My mom has some hot iced friends in the military mind

Hannah K.  35:46  
you. Cheers. Cheers that hell yeah. Would you sleep with a really sexy person even though they had horrific Bo?

Sydney F.  35:56  
No. Like, looks just don't do it for me like that. Same. Like you. There's a lot. There's a lot of things that turned

Hannah K.  36:03  
on now if Timmy smelled like shit. And I'm like,

Sydney F.  36:05  
that's true. That's That's very true. I could see Odell Beckham coming straight off the field and me fucking him. Period.

Hannah K.  36:11  
Sounds paren I can answer

Sydney F.  36:15  
this for both of us. Have you ever followed a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Because you thought they were cheating? Yeah, for sure.

Unknown Speaker  36:22  
We've all been followed how? I guess

Sydney F.  36:24  
like stalking them. Like following them around town. I've definitely done definitely. Yeah, that's that's easy. I knew you had bitch.

Unknown Speaker  36:30  
I know. It's a little Joe Goldberg like skip. She's a ballcap on

Sydney F.  36:35  
bitch. No, Hannah sent me you did you send me a selfie? Or what was that you had on a ballcap. One time, we

Hannah K.  36:40  
were doing the grocery thing. And I was like, and I was like, like putting something in the back of your car. And I had on the navy blue baseball cap. And you said you look like fucking Joe Goldberg.

Sydney F.  36:52  
She did. She did it. But she looked like a slayer version of Joe Goldberg, which she definitely did.

Hannah K.  36:57  
Is it okay to cheat on your partner? If you haven't had sex together any year? No. Any year?

Sydney F.  37:03  
I don't think it's okay. No, I

Hannah K.  37:05  
don't I agree.

Sydney F.  37:06  
I will say if Jordan was to cheat right now, would I be upset? Would I be devastated? Yes. Is it something that I might eventually be able to forgive? Yes. Because I think at this age I've reached a like, humans are human people felt that type of thing. And everybody's different. Not everybody's gonna agree with that. But is it okay to ever cheat there? I don't think there's ever a circumstances where it's okay.

Hannah K.  37:24  
I think it really depends on the situation. Like if I would leave or not. I think

Sydney F.  37:29  
that's where communication comes into play. Because if you haven't had sex in the year, maybe you should talk about it before you go fuck someone else. True. Facts. So anyways, that's my answer.

Hannah K.  37:37  
Yeah. Why do I always get the fucking bronchi one

Sydney F.  37:45  
would you like a Homeless Person's ass crack for 25,000? No, I would. No. Absolutely would for them. Cheeks daddy. It's

Hannah K.  37:55  
it. You see how different we are?

Unknown Speaker  37:58  
It's money talks to me. Maybe

Sydney F.  37:59  
it was for sweet nothings in my ear

Unknown Speaker  38:02  
need money to talk to me? I do. I

Sydney F.  38:05  
25,000 would be chef's kids for me right now. Yeah, spread them cheeks.

Hannah K.  38:10  
Do you think you masturbate less than the average person? I don't

Sydney F.  38:14  
really know what the average person's. I don't know how often the average person masturbates. For me, it's every time I take a bubble bath. That's like the only time I get to do it to myself.

Hannah K.  38:25  
You know, I had to do it to him.

Sydney F.  38:27  
Because like, I mean, I guess it isn't as often as I would like it to be because before work in the mornings, I take a shower. Yeah, it's like few and far between that I get to hop and

Hannah K.  38:36  
bam. I got five minutes to take this plug in. I gotta be out. Yeah.

Sydney F.  38:40  
And it's like, I can't do it standing up. No. So. So yeah, I mean, it is probably not as often as I would like. And it's like,

Hannah K.  38:47  
Don't fuck me in the shower either. Do you know how we we talked we've talked about

Sydney F.  38:52  
shower sex. If you'd like it, you're lying.

Hannah K.  38:54  
Like, no, I'm cold and wet. I want to get out. Not wet down there. Back wet all over.

Sydney F.  39:01  
This is a basic question is doggy style. Your favorite subject position?

Unknown Speaker  39:06  
Really? No, it's

Hannah K.  39:06  
not. What is on top? Really? Yes.

Sydney F.  39:11  
Okay. vich because I hate that. Okay, that's okay. Tired.

Hannah K.  39:16  
Yeah, I like to fucking ride that decline. Again. Bicycle. You heard it here first and Sydney leg back shots period to each their own? Why is it my turn? Yeah, yes. If you are a therapist, would you sleep with your patients? Well, I

Sydney F.  39:31  
think that goes back to my kink of like forbidden like dangerous sex. You shouldn't be doing this. So yeah, probably attracted to them. This is very straightforward. Have you ever had anal sex? No, really?

Hannah K.  39:46  
Don't get anywhere near my ass. Really? I've tried before and it just

Sydney F.  39:52  
because you do it from the side. I don't remember. I just want to point this out. I've definitely had you know before. It's not something that I do all all the time it's actually very few and far between but I do enjoy it and doing it from the plugs to see I want one.

Hannah K.  40:06  
I had three really as like three different sides. You didn't like do not fucking work. Really?

Sydney F.  40:12  
Yeah. Well, everybody's different but I made this

Hannah K.  40:15  
cuz my like, everybody's body's different. Yeah. I don't want your room I asked. She said I said no from me Dog. Have you had sex in the past three days? No. saying

Sydney F.  40:26  
no, I have not already know this answer. Have you ever done a line of cocaine off of a person's body?

Hannah K.  40:33  
No, but I fucking would. You would? Yeah, because if I don't drink Coca Cola, it's gonna be the coke. It's gonna be the other coke. If I don't get Coca Cola, it's gonna be the cocaine. I would do it with the weekend. Oh, he's so fun. Like his music just makes me want to fucking snort cocaine off a glass for sure.

Sydney F.  40:53  
For sure. I don't think that I would. I don't know. I'm like with the way that my mental health is set up now. Like I don't think I could do any drugs. See,

Hannah K.  41:00  
I've never done cocaine. Me either. I've never done any hard drugs.

Sydney F.  41:05  
On the contrary or what you guys might think listening to this episode we yeah, we

Hannah K.  41:09  
don't fucking do drugs. I don't do drugs. I am drugs. That is a quote from Salvador Dali was an artist anyway. Next question. We're talking about doing illicit drugs on the on the fucking interwebs I already know you're gonna say yes. Because the first like two words for $5,000 Yeah. Would you swim in a pool? For 15 minutes with 1000? Use condoms floating in it?

Sydney F.  41:39  
Yep. I can take a shower when I get out. I'm disgusted. Take a shower when I get out. Yes, ma'am. 5000. Yep.

Hannah K.  41:45  
Do you hear her? She will. I don't think there's anything that she wouldn't do for the coin.

Sydney F.  41:51  
Okay, this isn't really sexual. But have you ever been ghosted by someone? Yes, of course. Haven't we all?

Unknown Speaker  41:57  
Or have I? Like Not me?

Hannah K.  42:00  
Not this queen. Not this bitch.

Sydney F.  42:02  
To type was good.

Hannah K.  42:09  
Okay, um, my guess probably. I doubt it. No, like, probably. Your turn. I don't know. I probably ghosted somebody though.

Unknown Speaker  42:19  
Have for sure. You're

Hannah K.  42:21  
Hannah. Okay. Whatever that means an ad company offers.

Unknown Speaker  42:26  
Why is your the always money?

Hannah K.  42:29  
To you $1 million to use your face on nation. What ad as a? No. Would you accept?

Sydney F.  42:37  
No. Okay. Okay. So the question was, they offered me 1 million when they offered me 1 million to use my face on an ad as a child molester. answer's no. Yes, absolutely. Yes. First. No, I didn't.

Hannah K.  42:53  
Yes, you did. I said 1 million. And you said yes.

Unknown Speaker  42:55  
Oh, yeah. I'm changing. I was like,

Hannah K.  43:00  
I can like oh,

Sydney F.  43:02  
no, no, no, there's not enough money in the world now.

Hannah K.  43:06  
Like, that's weird. Why would they ask such a question? Yeah, this

Unknown Speaker  43:10  
is pretty raunchy. It's a dark question. Ask.

Sydney F.  43:14  
Um, have you ever had sex while someone else was sleeping in the same room? Yes.

Unknown Speaker  43:18  
I have you in a dorm room? A dorm room?

Sydney F.  43:20  
And then of course you go on like trips with like, another couple and you're in the same hotel room. Now. That was my situation. I

Unknown Speaker  43:27  
mean, but like, dorm Yeah, for sure. Yeah.

Sydney F.  43:29  
We took a couples trip a few years ago. This was an ex boyfriend. We definitely fucked in the bed right beside them. I thought they were asleep. But then the next morning, my friend woke up was like, Yeah, are y'all fucking on? I was like, oh, yeah, we did.

Unknown Speaker  43:45  
I mean, a lot of people's done.

Hannah K.  43:47  
Oh my god. I love this. This is so fun.

Sydney F.  43:50  
I just welcome to the PBP

Hannah K.  43:52  
Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker? No. And we do get a lot of hitchhikers from in our area for sure. Yeah, like, especially during the summer.

Sydney F.  44:03  
This is one of the cards on the back of the box. Have you drunk texted an ex in the past year? Oh, good.

Unknown Speaker  44:10  
Good. Now we'll do that at age 3031 3130. Fun 30 Fun.

Hannah K.  44:17  
I think this is like the second time I've done like tipsy and a year. We've reached that stick. That was like a choose one. All play. Okay. Would you have sex in front of your parents for 25 grand? Yes. Sit in front of Bridget. And Rusty sorry. Wow. Wow.

Sydney F.  44:41  
Yeah, I probably would. But I'm not rich enough to say no to 25,000 I'm

Hannah K.  44:45  
not rich enough either. But like

Sydney F.  44:50  
have you ever fantasized?

Hannah K.  44:52  
Oh God probably answer

Unknown Speaker  44:54  
this is No. Have you ever fantasize about someone in this room? No. I know I'm the only person in the room. Yeah, nobody else is gonna do it for you.

Hannah K.  45:05  
No, I'm sorry. Wow. I'm sorry. I hurt. I like boy, I like men. I'm sorry. I don't have a dick. I can't offer anything I can't offer you can't give me anything.

Unknown Speaker  45:16  
That kind of woods is I'm sorry. Have you ever had sex with three different people within a week?

Sydney F.  45:21  
Within a week? Um, no, but I did have sex with two different people in one day. Okay. Yeah, I did that. I left one house, one home and showered and went to the another.

Hannah K.  45:32  
Again, like we've said women can catch a deck anywhere. Anytime we place.

Unknown Speaker  45:39  
Would you rub those peppers? On your genitals for 10,000? Now? What? No Show cool off in the bath, bitch.

Hannah K.  45:49  
Now you pour milk on it.

Sydney F.  45:51  
Drew for 10,000 It's come the fuck on. It's just a ghost pepper.

Hannah K.  45:56  
I think what's it like? I don't even I don't even like spicy food. Like I don't know like

Sydney F.  46:01  
you're rubbing it on your PC for tickets. Still gonna

Hannah K.  46:03  
fucking hurt. It's gonna be like pepper spray on your fucking pussy and his game. vich not for 10 grand.

Unknown Speaker  46:11  
Please, I'm shoving it up my answer like 50

Hannah K.  46:15  
It's not enough. Have you ever looked at? I've asked you this question before. Have you ever looked at your own asshole in the mirror?

Unknown Speaker  46:23  
Yes. asked me that before for sure.

Sydney F.  46:25  
We all have looked at our own assholes. Because before I did that, I had no idea what it looked like. You know? Yeah, that's something that you see very often.

Hannah K.  46:34  
You never see.

Sydney F.  46:36  
Have you ever had sex on the toilet seat?

Hannah K.  46:39  
Yes. Why? Yeah. Elaborate. Like in a like, in our own bathroom.

Sydney F.  46:45  
Shut the fuck up. Bitch. Tell me more.

Hannah K.  46:47  
I mean, there's not really much to tell.

Sydney F.  46:49  
I've never done that. I mean, you weren't like taking a shit.

Hannah K.  46:54  
Rose? No, like, I mean, we got out the shower. And then. Yeah. Yeah, got it. Yeah,

Sydney F.  47:05  
got it. Sorry. My mom went somewhere else. Your turn?

Hannah K.  47:08  
Where did it go?

Sydney F.  47:10  
I thought maybe you were shitting and gotta dig you.

Hannah K.  47:13  
Rose. Come on.

Sydney F.  47:18  
You guys. You guys should really fucking love us because we're really putting ourselves out here and we're drunk. And we're gonna regret it as soon as it goes live, but it's fine.

Hannah K.  47:24  
Have you ever used a vegetable as a sex toy? No.

Sydney F.  47:29  
And you know how to answer that. Honestly. I've literally never done that. I'm not judging people who do but

Hannah K.  47:35  
these are some raunchy ask questions. I really didn't think

Sydney F.  47:39  
it would go like this, like raunchy. Have you ever tried to figure your own apps?

Unknown Speaker  47:44  
No. Really?

Hannah K.  47:46  
Sydney has?

Sydney F.  47:47  
No I really don't. I mean, I'm sure other people have but I haven't

Unknown Speaker  47:51  
appeared yet.

Hannah K.  47:53  
Have you ever told someone you love them just to have sex with them?

Sydney F.  47:57  

Hannah K.  48:00  
sure a lot of men have done that.

Sydney F.  48:02  
I might have there might have been like times, I guess. It's depends. Like there might have been times where I was really drunk. And you know, you get into that hot steamy, like makeout session. It's like, but No,

Hannah K.  48:11  
bro. makeout sessions when you're fucked up a one.

Unknown Speaker  48:16  
I'm given the Hanhart right now a fucking one. That's very true.

Hannah K.  48:20  
And you're like, Daddy roaming, please.

Sydney F.  48:23  
Period. You all the masturbation question.

Unknown Speaker  48:29  
You need them? Oh, here's

Sydney F.  48:31  
a good one. This is specific. While fooling around with a really sexy person. You find out that they're transvestite. Do you keep going training?

Hannah K.  48:39  
We don't use that term anymore. Transgender? Do I? What

Sydney F.  48:43  
do you keep going? Yeah, me too. Who cares if I'm like I'm turning on at this point. Like,

Hannah K.  48:49  
like I was obviously attracted to him before that before the

Sydney F.  48:53  
it's a transgender that has not had bottom surgery. Who cares? Who cares? But like I'm asking you specifically because you are your there's nothing about you? That's completely

Hannah K.  49:02  
straight. I'm sure it is. Fuck, I liked Dick way too fucking much.

Sydney F.  49:06  
Sometimes women made me question myself. See,

Hannah K.  49:09  
I have never questioned my sexuality, which is weird. Like, because I feel like you should.

Sydney F.  49:16  
I don't know. I mean, that's always I mean, some people are very, like, comfortable and firm and how they feel like, I don't think that I can ever date a woman would live like a woman. I don't know. For sure myself.

Hannah K.  49:28  
Well, I guess it would depend on if they're, like female turn male or male to female.

Sydney F.  49:34  
So like if it was a male that had did not have bottom surgery, would you be able to do that? Like they're still a male? Like they're female biologically, like, keep that I'm not biologically.

Hannah K.  49:46  
They're still. They have a vagina. Yeah.

Sydney F.  49:49  
Could you keep going if you were like, totally turned on and going? Yes, you're good. Yeah, thanks. So yeah, me too. I think I could already this far

Hannah K.  49:56  
because fuck it. Yeah, we're already here. I need to get And I

Sydney F.  50:00  
know me too.

Hannah K.  50:02  
You jerk off a horse for 5000 No, that's

Sydney F.  50:09  
not something that I can dabble in for money. I know there's a lot of things I would do for cash, but that is not one fic that is so sick. That is sick. No

Hannah K.  50:18  
bad choices after dark. What is wrong with you? Yeah.

Sydney F.  50:22  
I'm gonna have some questions. Oh.

Unknown Speaker  50:26  
Have you ever given or received a Golden Shower?

Hannah K.  50:29  
No. You think I would let somebody fucking pee on me?

Unknown Speaker  50:34  
She said I'm not our Kelly. That's certainly one of the if any of our listeners are into that.

Hannah K.  50:38  
That's so yeah. What? I want to know what yells fetishes are.

Sydney F.  50:41  
Yeah, can you please like we should put up anonymous link and you guys like tell us we do

Hannah K.  50:45  
have one. We do have one. We don't use it. Okay. Yeah, they did like their secret story. That

Sydney F.  50:50  
was so successful too. Yeah, I think we should bring that back for a future episode in. Well, guys, you guys tell us what your darkest kinks are?

Hannah K.  50:57  
Yes, please. I

Sydney F.  50:58  
would love to be pissed off. Tommy.

Hannah K.  51:00  
Did you know kinks are actually genetic?

Unknown Speaker  51:03  
Ooh, whoa.

Sydney F.  51:05  
Yeah. Mom likes being choked.

Hannah K.  51:06  
My mom shut the

Sydney F.  51:07  
fuck up. No, no, no,

Hannah K.  51:08  
I swear to God it is. Why would I make that a monitor? I don't make that shit up.

Unknown Speaker  51:14  
I've been called given head. I was getting some Hey,

Sydney F.  51:18  
I was definitely given head on my house or my sister walked in. She was like, What the fuck are you doing? I was like, get the fuck out. Here. Yeah, it was a big mess.

Hannah K.  51:25  
I'm so glad I don't have siblings. I'm just saying like, I would probably have killed him. Like, actually.

Sydney F.  51:32  
Have you ever had sex? That lasted less than two minutes? Yes. Me too.

Unknown Speaker  51:37  
Like third. If you've ever fucked a man. It was more like 15 seconds. If you've ever fucked a man then yeah, you've definitely I'm gonna bleep this out.

Sydney F.  51:46  
Boy, I went on a date with him once.

Hannah K.  51:49  
l he was like done in like 15 seconds. I think he was like, he's like a state police officer.

Sydney F.  51:57  
Add the beeping sound over his name. Of course. Your turn. I think we're just gonna go ahead and reach the bottom of the day.

Hannah K.  52:03  
Yeah, cuz Would you eat a shit sandwich to meet your idol? Who's your idol?

Sydney F.  52:09  
I don't know who my idol is.

Hannah K.  52:11  
I mean, Justin Bieber, Billy Eilish. She's

Sydney F.  52:13  
when she gets to meet Justin Bieber. Um, no, I don't think

Hannah K.  52:20  
so sick like

Sydney F.  52:21  
the thing about it, but I don't think coli OH

Hannah K.  52:23  

Sydney F.  52:25  
This question is so oddly specific and weird. But for $100 Would you roll? Would you stick a roll of quarters up your ass?

Hannah K.  52:30  
You know? I'm

Unknown Speaker  52:32  
not $400 A roll of quarters.

Hannah K.  52:35  
400 bucks. What's that gonna get me?

Sydney F.  52:37  

Hannah K.  52:38  
No, it won't even get me groceries bitch.

Unknown Speaker  52:41  
I'm still gonna die. Damn, would you? Yeah. Oh my god. It's just a roll of quarters. There's

Hannah K.  52:46  
anything that's not like that doesn't have to do with pedophilia or beastie ality Sydney's doing it.

Sydney F.  52:53  
Y'all know me hit my cash app. We just started linking our cash apps to

Hannah K.  52:56  
the show. Have you ever roleplayed in the bedroom?

Sydney F.  52:59  
I don't think so. But I don't think it's something that I would be against saying. No, I've never actually tried it. But I really think I would.

Hannah K.  53:07  
What would be like your ideal roleplay like a

Sydney F.  53:10  
principal. Maybe

Unknown Speaker  53:12  
like a bat? Like a school girl. Like a school board or like

Sydney F.  53:15  
a girl.

Unknown Speaker  53:16  
A girl girl? Or like a landlord type of situation? Yeah,

Hannah K.  53:24  
I mean, fucking rent and bench book. Do you been bit paying

Sydney F.  53:27  
me with dick? Oh, yeah. Um, have you ever taken someone's virginity? Yes. That was a dumb question. Can I ask you another? Yes. Would you attend a swingers party?

Hannah K.  53:37  
I mean, who am i swaying? I don't know. I mean,

Sydney F.  53:41  
I probably would. But I'm adventurous though. So like, Yeah, I mean, like, nobody else is interesting to me. Like, I can see me and Jordan going into one of those for a date. Like, nobody is interesting

Hannah K.  53:51  
to me. Like, would you break up with your partner if you caught them cheating? Probably not.

Unknown Speaker  53:57  

Hannah K.  53:58  

Sydney F.  53:59  
Probably not. I mean, really, at this age? I don't think so.

Hannah K.  54:02  
Again, I think for me, it would depend on the situation. It does depend

Sydney F.  54:07  
on the situation. I think it depends on like, if it's somebody that's been an issue before,

Hannah K.  54:10  
it depends on how long Yeah, that's been going on. Because I mean,

Sydney F.  54:15  
at this age, you really do start to realize that like, people are human Yeah, people fuck up. People are human. And if you love your person, it just really depends on what you're willing to put up with. And is it something that I would be willing to put up with it? I don't know. But I don't know that I would break up.

Hannah K.  54:28  
I don't know about like, putting up with it after like, your verse events. Okay, fine. I'll forgive you. Like, we'll see if we can work it out. Yeah, I'm not gonna fucking trust you. Yeah, but next time if I catch, you

Sydney F.  54:43  
know, I agree. It's very much like after your first offense, like you get one shot. Yeah, that type of thing.

Hannah K.  54:49  
Have you ever had one shot or one? God in your

Sydney F.  54:53  
lifetime? Have you sent or received more than 10 Different dick pics? Like what in your life? Have you received more than 10 depicts I don't know probably have probably since like, since we were first able to receive picture messages asked

Unknown Speaker  55:06  
for, like put the phone either they're always unsolicited. Are we supposed to do with them? dicks are ugly print them out.

Hannah K.  55:15  
Like, I literally what? I can't masturbate to something that looks like a,

Sydney F.  55:22  
you know, like with it.

Hannah K.  55:24  
I can't like like if I send a picture of my like titties or like my ass I know you can plug in like masturbate to that sermon.

Sydney F.  55:30  
Right? Okay, we're getting to the bottom of our deck. You guys I know. This is a long episode. But again, it's a special episode it's gallon times were hella edited

Hannah K.  55:40  

Unknown Speaker  55:43  
it. Oh my God,

Sydney F.  55:45  
in your lifetime, and your whole lifetime. Have you swallowed at least a glass full cone?

Hannah K.  55:52  
I've never swallowed them. Why? Do you think a motherfucker is gonna come down my fucking throat? Do you think I'm gonna let any man's like like, Do you think I'm gonna swallow any man's kids? No.

Sydney F.  56:06  
I plead the fifth.

Hannah K.  56:08  
Your there's your fucking answer.

Unknown Speaker  56:10  
I'm not swallowing your kids. You can use this book off. Have you ever watched midget porn?

Sydney F.  56:17  
No. That's always that is not my go to.

Hannah K.  56:20  
oddly specific.

Sydney F.  56:22  
No, that is not my go to. Have you ever given or received a rim job?

Hannah K.  56:27  
Yes. Same I have received.

Sydney F.  56:30  
I've done both received and given and it's wonderful. It really is. If you've never had your asset grow up. For real. It's time to upgrade your sex. If you haven't done it before, we're letting you know now ask your man or woman

Hannah K.  56:45  
eat my cupcake please. Like groceries like Nick. Like Nikki? Let him EMA as like a cupcake

Sydney F.  56:54  
dinner on the G fab a mom wait didn't want my man on the g fat was my idea of a day. period

Unknown Speaker  57:05  
this is messy anyway. Isn't matter.

Hannah K.  57:07  
For $500 Would you allow someone to dump a bucket full of horse Come on? You

Sydney F.  57:16  
know, I think it would have to be a little bit more than five horse. Yeah, no, I'm just up with the Beastie ality and

Hannah K.  57:22  
we're okay. We see like the fucking people that come up with this shit.

Sydney F.  57:27  
This one's funny.

Unknown Speaker  57:30  
Have you ever started on yourself? When I was a kid probably wasn't really because

Sydney F.  57:36  
I did it when I was drunk when I was probably 21 I shattered

Hannah K.  57:39  
shitted on

Sydney F.  57:44  
quick story, I got so drunk it was like six in the morning and I was still drunk. I was driving my friend it was car I had to shit. went all the way to take him to his car. He had to turn around and I was like, bro, I'm gonna shoot myself and I shoot myself.

Hannah K.  57:55  
shitted on him, man. I just

Sydney F.  57:58  
yeah, it happens to the best of us.

Hannah K.  58:00  
Have you ever FaceTime someone naked? Uh, yeah.

Sydney F.  58:03  
But you know what? back then? It wasn't FaceTime it was Skype. Skype someone naked and

Hannah K.  58:11  
um, Skype still exists remember when we would Skype and like try to like record this fucking podcast? Yeah, totally. And it just did not work it really for me like it was not have you

Sydney F.  58:24  
given some head this month now? Really? No, give some day before yesterday. I

Hannah K.  58:29  
was getting some hair. Getting. You know, you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, of course. You're doing turn. No, no, don't give head I get it. This is literally the stupidest fucking question. But I'm gonna ask you anyway, because it's like, it's insane. If you had an STD, would you tell your partner before you had sex with them?

Unknown Speaker  58:54  
You have to? Of course I was because that the legal if

Hannah K.  58:57  
you don't, like you can literally get in serious trouble if you don't tell somebody that

Sydney F.  59:02  
yes, I would tell someone like they could sue the fuck out of you. Yeah. Would you sell someone with a foot fetish pictures of your feet for $20 for $20

Hannah K.  59:09  
That's it. But I would I mean maybe sure before I mean feeder, I mean, feeder just like feet to me like I don't give a fuck about Yeah, like feet aren't weird to me.

Sydney F.  59:21  
We'll have to do a whole other episode of the time that I had a sugar daddy.

Hannah K.  59:25  
Okay, period. Oh my god. There's

Sydney F.  59:27  
only two there's only two cartloads you guys are at the bottom. Do you

Hannah K.  59:30  
like to be spanked during sex?

Sydney F.  59:31  
Yes. I will literally verbally ask for it harder. Smack

Unknown Speaker  59:38  
like a drum? I'm pretty sure we said that during our last

Sydney F.  59:45  
row. Okay, the answer to this is no, but have you ever masturbated at work?

Hannah K.  59:49  
Can we not?

Sydney F.  59:52  
I really want to know if you guys enjoy these games because if so then we will definitely invest in more. Yeah,

Hannah K.  59:57  
there's some good ones on Amazon. actually like the spicy question

Sydney F.  1:00:03  
that was fun. Okay, do you like dirty talk during sex? Hell? Yeah, same communication is very important to me if you told me this policy is yours

Hannah K.  1:00:11  
fuck me harder. I'm fucking harder.

Sydney F.  1:00:15  
It does help me maybe yes, we have a lot of dead silence

Hannah K.  1:00:20  
the shit out of you. I won't fuck you with the lights on but I will fuck the shit out of you with the lights off. Yeah, I

Sydney F.  1:00:26  
don't like lights on. Like,

Hannah K.  1:00:28  
okay once occur. Okay, but why do men need like every single light on when they're fucking like I don't strokes their ego

Unknown Speaker  1:00:37  
I think maybe what? For what? Oh no. You

Sydney F.  1:00:40  
also know they like to fuck in front of mirrors too. It's fucking weird. But that was it. That was bad choices after dark. bad choices. Hannah and I continuously expose ourselves on this episode on the show. I hope you guys enjoy it. We had a great time doing this.

Hannah K.  1:00:58  
I bite my tongue. It's a bad habit.

Sydney F.  1:01:01  
I've definitely enjoyed this. This is fun,

Hannah K.  1:01:03  
kind of man that I didn't take stab at it. You know, it's something I'm talking about deep Lacy. Hell yeah.

Sydney F.  1:01:11  
Alright, guys, that was all for that. I hope you guys enjoyed it. We've definitely had a good time. It's the Valentine's episode. We've been entirely fucked up this entire time. Yes. But you know what it is what it is. We're sticking to our guns. This episode is coming out. I hope you love it.

Hannah K.  1:01:25  
We hope you had a great Valentine's Day and Valentine's day if you have somebody to share that with um, if you don't you can share it with us literally. And like just hear about our fucking raunchy ass

Unknown Speaker  1:01:41  
lives that

Sydney F.  1:01:41  
we've lived at this age. Just feel like I don't care. Like who gives a fuck we're grown we all fuck

Hannah K.  1:01:47  
yeah, this was fantastic. Hopefully, we can do this again with like, different deck of cards

Sydney F.  1:01:54  
for sure. Or like you guys like these drunken episodes like give us feedback. We definitely need the feedback for sure. You know, like when you guys comment and tell us that you enjoyed an episode or

Unknown Speaker  1:02:04  
leave a review? Yes.

Hannah K.  1:02:08  
Please, like that is what's actually more helpful, like to get us recognized. Bit more for more people to listen.

Sydney F.  1:02:17  
We appreciate it guys. Thank you so much.

Hannah K.  1:02:19  
Yes, thank you so much for listening, and we'll talk to you all in the next one.

Sydney F.  1:02:25  

Unknown Speaker  1:02:31  